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Given that the entire site is about activism in the broadest sense, this term should be used to index training in activism, history of activism and related topics.

The Scoop on Mindy Lambert, UA School Board Candidate.

This article is reprinted courtesy of the author, John Perry:

Mindy Lambert came to our door one recent evening. When I answered, she thrust a 5.5 x 8.5 color glossy card in my hand, said she was running for school board, gave a quick smile and turned and left without waiting for a reply. So I did a little research...

Main Street Initiative Call for Volunteers

Take the UAPA Survey!

Help UAPA become a better organization. Please take our 10-question survey by May 3, 2015. Thanks!


R.I.P. Dave Girves

Central Ohio progressives have lost a tireless activist, and for many, a good friend when Dave Girves passed away on January 16, 2015. His organizational skills, energy and kindness will be much missed.

Cathy Levine of Universal Health Care Action Network (UHCAN) remembers Dave:

We Need YOU to GOTV

The outcome of this election turns on our ability to get people to come out and vote. You can help by canvassing or phone banking. Canvassers will be going to friendly voters to remind them to vote, early if possible.

Save the Dates for UAPA Membership Meetings!

2014 is an important election year. In Ohio, we will be electing a (we hope) new Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Auditor and Attorney General. In addition, Congressional Representatives are being elected and replacing Steve Stivers with Scott Wharton is a priority.  Finally, we have county offices like Franklin County Commissioner and Franklin County Auditor and local judgeships.

Organizing for Action Climate Change Action Meeting July 13, 2013

Ready to get started on climate change action? This Saturday, July 13, from 10:30A.M.  -11:30A.M.

ProgressOhio Needs Our Help!

ProgressOhio logo

UAPA wants to see ProgressOhio continue to provide activist tools, information and strategies to move Ohio forward, but in an off year there is less funding for this essential progressive infrastructure. UAPA has made a $1,000 donation and some of our members have added another $200. Will you match us? Make a one-time or recurring donation online or send checks to 172 E. State St., 6th Floor Columbus, OH 43215.

Story Archive - 2012

Stories related to the 2012 Election and other 2012 issues.

Fired Up? READY TO GO!!




Election 2012



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