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Get Your FREE Fair Districts Yard Sign Delivered

It's Time for Fair Districts Yard SignThe Ohio Redistricting Commission and Ohio Legislators are scheduled to begin drawing the state and Congressional districts we will use for the next 10 years. They will be using the rules enacted into the Ohio Constitution by wide margins when we voted in 2015 and 2018.

Story Archive - 2021

Stories from 2021 including about the adminstration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, redistricting efforts in Ohio and what we hope will be the end of the widespread losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

2021 Events Archive

Events of 2021

Finally Killing the Gerrymander? How Ohio’s New Redistricting Rules Work

In 2015 and 2018, more than 70% of Ohioans amended Ohio’s Constitution to reform the rules used to create state and Congressional districts. Next year, after the Census, we will finally implement these rules to draw the districts which will be used for the next 10 years! Join UAPA for a presentation on how the new rules will work and what we need to do to ensure that districts are fairly drawn.


Professor Richard Gunther, who was involved in the negotiations that led to the Ohio reforms

Congressional Redistricting Reform Passes Senate

Redistricting Reform Bill Passed the Senate February 5, 2018! Goes on the May Ballot if House Approves.

From Fair Districts=Fair Elections Coalition:

Tonight, the Ohio Senate (31-0) passed a proposed amendment to the Ohio Constitution that meets the standards our Fair Districts = Fair Elections coalition have demanded from any congressional redistricting reform proposal. We have demanded that:

Gerrymandered Map T-Shirts (Still) Available!

T-shirts Remain on sale through September 30, 2017. Order yours now!

July Meeting - Redistricting Reform: Here We Go Again. What's different? What's the same? And why should I care?

Catherine Turcer, Common Cause
Friends Auditorium, UA Public Library

2800 Tremont

Issue 2: New Ad. Issue 2 Cited in Huffington Post

The Huffington Post listed Issue 2 among their Ten Ballot Measures to Watch in the 2012 Election.

See the Issue 2 ad!


Should Ohio voters approve State Issue 2?

Yes: Plan would help make drawing of legislative districts more fair

By  Jack D’Aurora

Columbus Dispatch, October 15, 2012

Issue 2 is taking a lot of heat. It calls for replacing the apportionment board — the governor, state auditor, secretary of state and two members of the legislature — with a nonpartisan commission to draw state legislative and congressional districts. Is Issue 2 as bad as the critics say?

The commission would consist of 12 members and be re-established after each federal 10-year census. Anyone who, within 10 years of applying to be a member, served as a federal or state official, or was an employee of the Ohio legislature or U.S. Congress, or was a state agency director or paid lobbyist, is ineligible. The same goes for anyone who, within five years of applying, was a political candidate, campaign consultant, political party employee or made more than $5,000 in political contributions in a two year period.

Read more at the Columbus Dispatch.


2012 Redistricting Petition Drive

If you care about fair and balanced elections, you need to care about the citizen-initiated Redistricting Movement and support it with your time and money. The obscene gerrymandering that has gone on for far too many years has resulted in district geographies that defy sensible representation -- a situation that must stop now.


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