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Health Care

Special Guests for July Book Club Meeting

Phil Ennin, who was CEO at Community Hospitals and Wellness Centers at the time The Hospital was written, has agreed to join our discussion of the book. Without him, there would have been no book. He allowed the author to have almost complete access to the hospital's inner workings.

R.I.P. Dave Girves

Central Ohio progressives have lost a tireless activist, and for many, a good friend when Dave Girves passed away on January 16, 2015. His organizational skills, energy and kindness will be much missed.

Cathy Levine of Universal Health Care Action Network (UHCAN) remembers Dave:

Support the Roll-Out of the ACA (aka 'Obamacare')

ProgressOhio is promoting some activities to support the 'Obamacare' roll-out that begins on October 1, 2013, the first day that individuals can sign up and enroll for health insurance through the health care exchanges.

Call for Health Care Stories

The Affordable Care Act (aka "Obamacare") is still being rolled out. As more people gain access to health insurance and health care improves, UAPA would like to gather stories about how you or your family have benefited.

Have you been able to get insurance when you previously were unable because of a preexisting condition? Were you able to keep your 23- or 24-year-old son or daughter on your policy?

‘Mercy Killers’: Living Without Health Insurance

Mercy Killers logoOur American system of health care is put under a dramatic spotlight in a new play having a three-week run in Columbus.

New school immunizations? BANNED! The Unintended Consequences of Issue 3

Ohio's Issue 3 (more info below) is a disaster waiting to happen and current polling shows it passing on November 8th by wide margin. Unless you help get the word out.

Every major Ohio newspaper has come out against Ohio Issue 3 even traditionally conservative papers that endorsed Issue 2.

Don't Repeal Americans' Health Care Lifeline

We'd like to share a great story about the importance of healthcare. It's written by contributor LZ Granderson, and he provides some great points about the necessity of affordable healthcare for all.

Don't repeal Americans' health care lifeline

(CNN) -- I had been wrestling with eye redness for weeks. After trying nearly every brand of over-the-counter eyedrops available, I finally decided to see a doctor.

Vote NO on Issues 1, 2 & 3

Why You Should Vote No on Issue 1

UAPA meeting and guest speaker: What's the Prognosis for Health Care?

Join UAPA at our next general membership meeting on Thursday, May 8.

ONN: Health care and business






















"Ohio Means Business"
Topic: federal health care reform law and how it affects businesses

Guests: W.C. Benton, professor and health care management expert, Fisher College of Business
Tom Strauss, president and CEO of Summa Health System
Mary Jo Hudson, attorney at Bailey Cavalieri
Bruce Davis, consultant at Findley Davies

Rebroadcast 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday, April 10, and 12:30 a.m. Monday, April 11.

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