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Main Street Initiative Call for Volunteers

The Ohio Democratic Party is committed to recruiting and cultivating candidates who connect with voters, win elections, and once they enter office, make a difference on the issues that matter most in the lives of their constituents.

The issues we face on a daily basis—good paying jobs, school ciriculum, college affordability, pot holes, access to quality health care—are impacted more by policy decisions made at the local level than those made by the President of the United States! To ensure we have a strong bench of public servants who will make the best decisions for our communities, we need to elect our 2015 Main Street candidates.

But to do that, WE need YOUR help!

STEP ONE: Follow Us on Social Media

Facebook: /OHDems

Twitter: @OHDems

Instagram: @ohdems


STEP TWO: Sign Up for a Phone Bank Shift (Mon.-Thurs.; 4:30-7:30pm)

Main Street Phone Bank Kick-Off
Monday, September 14, 2015 (Arrive at 4PM to learn how to use the system. Pizza, Pop & Phones Provided!)

STEP THREE: Join ODP Staff for a Main Street Candidate Canvass in Reynoldsburg, Chillicothe or Mansfield

STEP FOUR: Recruit Your Friends

For more information and to get involved, please contact:
Aneese Johnson, Party Engagement Associate,

(614) 353-0096 (m),
(614) 221-6563 (o),

NOTE: See attached flyer


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