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Save the Dates for UAPA Membership Meetings!

2014 is an important election year. In Ohio, we will be electing a (we hope) new Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Auditor and Attorney General. In addition, Congressional Representatives are being elected and replacing Steve Stivers with Scott Wharton is a priority.  Finally, we have county offices like Franklin County Commissioner and Franklin County Auditor and local judgeships.

These are races where individuals can make a real difference, not just by voting, but by volunteering and donating even a little bit. UAPA is planning to match donations to the progressive/Democratic candidates. We are also providing opportunities for you to meet the candidates. Save the upcoming dates, find the candidate(s) that speak to your issues and interests and get involved!

March 25, 2014 - John Patrick Carney, candidate for State Auditor

April 15, 2014 - Nina Turner, candidate for Secretary of State

May 8, 2014 - Mike Schadek, candidate for Franklin County Auditor and Marilyn Brown, candidate for Franklin County Commissioner


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