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Tim Ryan Reception on October 6th

Join Tim Ryan, Candidate for Senate, and friends for an evening fundraising reception on Thursday, October 6, 2022 at 6:00 PM. Location given when you RSVP.

Do You Know About Buckeye State Rural?

2020 Buckeye State Rual billboard designsBuckeye State Rural is a grassroots 527 PAC that grew out of an Indivisible group in Ohio Congressional District 15 (CD15). They have a completely volunteer board and raise money to place billboards on commuter routes in the 11 rural counties of CD15.

15th Anniversary Blue Brunch, September 8, 2019

Invitation to 2019 Blue BrunchIn the fall of 2010, UAPA held its first annual Blue Brunch.  It was a progressive dinner hosted by three UAPA members. Now, we hope to have a celebratory Blue Brunch for our 15th Anniversary!

Picnic Benefitting the ODP 2018 Coordinated Campaign (RSVP)

Join UAPA and the Coalition of Democratic and Progressive Organizations of Central Ohio for a picnic. And a fundraiser. And a candidate meet and greet. And a lot of fun.

With special guest ODP Chairman David Pepper. Bring a friend and join us for an update on ODP's strategy to take back Ohio in 2018 and learn how you can get involved!

Vocal Resistance to perform.

Registration Open for 2017 Blue Brunch

Tim Ryan photoJoin your fellow progressives, Democratic officeholders and candidates for a delicious Sunday brunch and silent auction.

This year we are featuring special guest, Tim Ryan, OH-13.

Ohio Democratic Party Legacy Dinner

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2016

2016 Blue Brunch

UAPA periodically hosts the Blue Brunch as a fundraiser for our organization. Funds from this event are used to support educational events, contributions to progressive candidates, and political activities such as getting out the vote.

Don't Miss the Backyard BBQ Bash

Backyard BBQ Bash with Ed and Sharen

Sunday, July 20, 5-8 p.m.
2491 Lane Road, Upper Arlington

Last Chance to Register for the 2013 Blue Brunch!






















Register for Blue Brunch on November 17 - Ed Fitzgerald! Entertainment! Silent Auction!

UAPA's 3rd Annual Blue Brunch featuring Ed Fitzgerald

Online Registration


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