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Given that the entire site is about activism in the broadest sense, this term should be used to index training in activism, history of activism and related topics.

Women Volunteers in Action Workshop on March 24

wJoin us for Women Volunteers in Action, a day of training to increase women’s grassroots leadership in the party.  If you want to get involved as a volunteer for the first time or you're a campaign vet and want to learn how to be more effective, we promise this training is for you.

Top 10 Reasons Why You Should Display Your Obama Sign on Primary Day this Tuesday

Not convinced you should display your Obama sign now through Tuesday?  Here are a few good reasons why we encourage you!


Just in Time for the Primary: Show Your Support for President Obama and Turn UA Blue This Saturday!

signThe local airwaves are already full of campaigns ads for the Republican challengers in advance of Ohio's Primary on Super Tuesday, March 6, 2012.  As they tear each other and our President apart with their nasty rhetoric, we can promote a positive message and show unified support for our Democratic candidate!

Occupy the Courthouse/Protest Citizens United

Friday, January 20, 2012

3 pm to  5 pm

It is the second anniversary of the Citizens United decision. How are you enjoying the concept of Corporations = People and Money = Speech? Keep enjoying all the television commercials in this election year paid for by anonymous donors to Super Pacs.

Democratic Candidates in the 15th District

The most important thing UAPA members can do to change the politics of obstruction in Washington is to regain the 15th Congressional seat for a Democrat.  The original redistricting map had the 15th as a snake-shaped monstrosity that was only 43% Democratic—a no-win situation. The compromise redistricted 15th is now 47% Democratic. And with President Obama on the ticket, the 15th is in definite play.

UAPA is rolling up our sleeves this fall!


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Help Fight Voter Suppression in Ohio!

The Ohio Democratic Party and allied groups are in the beginning stages of an effort to repeal House Bill 194 -- the Republican voter suppression bill -- which makes it harder for Ohioans to vote and makes fewer votes count. In Franklin County, for instance, four out of ten voters would be impacted by House Bill 194.
Here's some of what the Republican voter suppression bill does:
1. Dramatically shortens the number of early voting days -- disproportionately impacting working people.

Next Generation Democrats Summit March 6, 2010

Saturday, March 6
Summit: 11:00 am – 4:00 pm
Evening Mixer: 7:00 – 9:00 pm

The Inaugural "Next Generation Democrats" Summit

Obama Organizing Meeting

Please join us this Thursday for the Campaign for Change

Sen. Barack Obama's
Franklin County Campaign for Change

Organizational Kick-Off Meeting

When: Thursday, July 17 at 7:00 PM


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