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Given that the entire site is about activism in the broadest sense, this term should be used to index training in activism, history of activism and related topics.

Congressional Redistricting Reform Passes Senate

Redistricting Reform Bill Passed the Senate February 5, 2018! Goes on the May Ballot if House Approves.

From Fair Districts=Fair Elections Coalition:

Tonight, the Ohio Senate (31-0) passed a proposed amendment to the Ohio Constitution that meets the standards our Fair Districts = Fair Elections coalition have demanded from any congressional redistricting reform proposal. We have demanded that:

Story Archive - 2017

News from the 1st year of Trump and the resistance

Registration Open for 2017 Blue Brunch

Tim Ryan photoJoin your fellow progressives, Democratic officeholders and candidates for a delicious Sunday brunch and silent auction.

This year we are featuring special guest, Tim Ryan, OH-13.

Gerrymandered Map T-Shirts (Still) Available!

T-shirts Remain on sale through September 30, 2017. Order yours now!


Indivisible - The original guide to the resistance developed by several DC legislative and executive branch staffers. There are specialized toolkits, for recesses, campus, leaders, immigrant allies and more.

Ohio Resistance Guide - Published by Innovation Ohio, this guide provides ideas for working with the Statehouse and local politicians.



Resistance Resources

Selected documents, Facebook groups, websites and more to help you #resist

Recycle your 2016 Yard Signs


Upper Arlington Progressive Action produced 2,000 UA for Hillary and Clinton/Kaine lawn signs for this campaign. These, along with all the Clinton campaign and down ticket signs, amounts to probably a ton of recyclable metal, cardboard and plastic.

UAPA is working with the city to make sure that as many political signs as possible get recycled.


UAPA's October Month of Action

Have you been looking for some practical actions to take this election season? Have we got some opportunities for you! Volunteer to work with UAPA on some fun ways to support our local Democratic candidates!

Voter Registration at Gallery Hop
Sign up to spend a couple of hours registering people to vote. The last day to register is October 11th. After a brief orientation, walk around the Gallery Hop and sign people up. It's easy and fun.

Saturday, October 1
4:00 – 6:00 pm

Movie Night - New Michael Moore Movie "Where to Invade Next"

Where to Invade Next

2016 Blue Brunch

UAPA periodically hosts the Blue Brunch as a fundraiser for our organization. Funds from this event are used to support educational events, contributions to progressive candidates, and political activities such as getting out the vote.


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