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Given that the entire site is about activism in the broadest sense, this term should be used to index training in activism, history of activism and related topics.

Join UAPA as We Celebrate July 4th and Watch UA's Parade!

Waving American FlagUAPA got its start in 2004 as UA for Kerry, and it was at the Upper Arlington parade that year when the majority of the good citizens of our fair city learned of our existence -- some happily, some not. Come park your folding chair on the lawn where it all started at the home of John and Jane Hastie, located on the corner of Brandon Road and Northwest Boulevard.

Time is Running Out! We Need Your Signature by July 1!

Imagine 10 more years of rigged Republican districts that virtually guarantees Republican one-party rule in Ohio for the next decade. Let that sink in.

That's what the currently redrawn district map virtually guarantees --- one-party Republican rule in Ohio through 2020. It's as simple as this:  unless this redistricting petition gets enough signatures to get on the November ballot, Ohio Republicans will have the upper hand at the state and federal levels. The only recourse to challenge their misguided legislation will be an endless 10 more years of petitions, ballot issues and fund raising for long-shot Democratic candidates.

If you signed a petition last fall, you have not signed this current petition and we need your signature! Click 'Read More' to see where you can sign the petition:

Take Action to support Sherrod Brown and our Health!

Take Action! Urge Senator Sherrod Brown to stand strong and vote against the Tea Party's TRAIN act, which would undermine the Environmentat Protection Agency's ability to curb air pollution and protect Ohoians' health.

Senator Brown is under attack from powerful corporate interests and the Tea Party who are urging him to support the TRAIN Act.  

Call Senator Brown's office NOW and urge him to stand strong and VOTE AGAINST THE TRAIN ACT!


Reform Redistricting - Sign the Petition!

The background: Nonpartisan, good government organizations in Ohio have proposed a constitutional amendment that would reform Ohio’s redistricting process. With enough support this issue can be on this November’s ballot, so that Ohio’s voters can decide.

Redistricting FAQ

FAQ: What You Need to Know About the 2012 Ohio Congressional Redistricting Movement

Ohio’s Congressional and state legislative districts were redrawn last year.

Action Item: UAPA Redistricting Petition Drive

Voters FIRST, Not Politcians in Ohio outlineVoters First Ohio, has organized a campaign to get a constitutional amendment on the ballot this November to enable citizens, not politicians, to draw election districts.

Petition Drives

Petition drives/direct democracy are being used increasingly in Ohio to change the Constitution and pass or repeal laws. If you need more information to decide whether to sign a petition or to help a petition drive, check out this area. 

Issue 5 (2008) was an referendum to support a recently passed law that restricted the rates that could be charged by payday lenders in Ohio. It passed by 63.6% to 36.4% See this page for more information about other issues on the 2008 Ohio ballot.

Ohio 2012 ballot measures (

2023 was a important year for petition drives. In the wake of the Supreme Court's 2022 Dobbs decision, a 6-week abortion ban enacted by Ohio's Republican legislature went into effect and was stayed by a court a few weeks later. But, while in effect there was the 10-year-old rape victim who was forced to go to Indiana in order to get an abortion. Predictable callousness by Republican officials galvanized a doctor-led petition drive to enshrine protections for reproductive rights into the Ohio Constitution. This effort succeeded (despite misleading ballot language) and Issue 1 was passed by a 13 point margin in the November 2023 general election.

This success was especially notable in light of an effort by the Ohio legislature and office holders to restrict the ability of Ohioans to initiate and pass constitutional amendments through the petition process. This change to the Ohio Constitution was put forth in an August 2023 Special Election (suspicious, since they had just done away with most August elections). This effort (also Issue 1) failed.

There was also a petition drive to legalize marijuana use through statute on the 2023 November ballot as Issue 2 which passed by a wide margin.

Looking forward to 2024, a new petition drive to reform the process of drawing the dictrict maps that are used to elect representatives will begin. In 2015 and 2018, there were petition drives to place what were hoped to be the answer to gerrymandering in Ohio. Both reforms passed with votes in excess of 71%. However, the reforms were developed in conjunction with the legislature and then they chose to not even follow the rules they had helped to create as well as ignoring the Supreme Court of Ohio when they tried to enforce the Constitiution.

The 2024 effort will center around removing political actors from the process of drawing district lines entirely. The organization heading this effort is Citizens Not Politicians. Pease consider donating, volunteering, and signing the petition when you see one.

Letters to the Editor

Do you feel strongly about an issue? One way to express your ideas and perhaps, persuade others, is to write a letter to the editor (LTE) of a newspaper. If you write it, we may publish it, even if the newspaper doesn't. Send your LTE to us at

If you don't want to write letters yourself, but could help organize others to produce letters, WE WANT YOU! Volunteer to be Letters to the Editor Coordinator. 


Action Item: Laptops Needed for 2012 Campaign.

We need laptops to do virtual phone banks, and not every phone banker comes equipped.

Do you have a laptop you're not using that we could borrow for the 2012 campaign?  Or would you like to make a donation of one of the cheap-cheap laptops from Microcenter ($250 gets a reconditioned laptop now) to help our cause?

Central Ohio Democratic Women's Caucus Discusses Messaging Skills on March 22

cAre you an effective communicator for women's issues? How strong is your messaging ability?  "Effective Communication for Women's Issues: How Women Can Hone Their Messaging Skills" will be the special topic addressed at the Central Ohio Democratic Women's Caucus meeting Thursday, March 22, 2012, from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. at the Ohio Democratic Party (ODP) headquarters, 340 E.


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