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Ed Fitzgerald

Don't Miss the Backyard BBQ Bash

Backyard BBQ Bash with Ed and Sharen

Sunday, July 20, 5-8 p.m.
2491 Lane Road, Upper Arlington

Action item: Stand with Ed on College Affordability

Democratic gubernatorial nominee Ed FitzGerald is announcing a major proposal on college affordability. It will affect families saving for college, the rising cost of tuition, and student loan debt.

We need people to stand with Ed at the important event. Please RSVP if you're able to attend to

We're asking folks to arrive at 1:15 tomorrow at the corner of Corner of E Spring St and N Washington Ave. If you have any problems finding us, please call 443-370-3205

Save the Dates for UAPA Membership Meetings!

2014 is an important election year. In Ohio, we will be electing a (we hope) new Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, State Auditor and Attorney General. In addition, Congressional Representatives are being elected and replacing Steve Stivers with Scott Wharton is a priority.  Finally, we have county offices like Franklin County Commissioner and Franklin County Auditor and local judgeships.

Register for Blue Brunch on November 17 - Ed Fitzgerald! Entertainment! Silent Auction!

UAPA's 3rd Annual Blue Brunch featuring Ed Fitzgerald

Online Registration

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