published by Cheryl Grossman on Tue, 01/27/2015 - 23:22
Central Ohio progressives have lost a tireless activist, and for many, a good friend when Dave Girves passed away on January 16, 2015. His organizational skills, energy and kindness will be much missed.
Cathy Levine of Universal Health Care Action Network (UHCAN) remembers Dave:
If you’ve ever shown up for a rally, meeting or other event, you would probably recognize Dave. He was the tall, bald guy with a big sign and an even bigger smile. A retired businessman, he was a gifted organizer: he mobilized and inspired other people to think critically, laugh a lot, and get off our couches and show up.
Dave was a fierce supporter and defender of the Affordable Care Act who worked with UHCAN Ohio on ACA Implementation. At the same time, he coordinated the central Ohio Single Payer Action Network (SPAN). Dave was such a hard-working supporter of President Obama that we can remember Dave by picturing him with the President.

Dave's obituary noted:
Dave identified as a Republican until 2008, when he became inspired by Senator Barack Obama. Dave became politically active for the first time in his life, volunteering 40-50 hours per week to support the election of the President. Following the 2008 election, he continued to volunteer tirelessly to support the President Obama's agenda until just a few weeks before his death. His worked to support universal healthcare, the protection of workers, marriage equality, immigration reform, environmental protection and clean energy, sensible gun control, public education, and full access for women's reproductive health.
A memorial service will be held Sunday, February 1, from 1 pm to 4 pm, at 340 E Fulton St, Columbus, Ohio 43215.