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General educational issues, including K-12, higher education and lifelong learning.

Story Archive - 2023

The year was exhausting: from March to June, Protect Choice Ohio petition collection to enshrine reproductive rights in the Ohio Constitution; from July to August 8th, fight off Issue 1 which was designed to make it impossible to pass citizen-led Constitutional amendments (No on Issue 1 on August 8th); followed by the effort to pass reproductive rights (Yes on Issue 1 on November 7th) while also endorsing for UA school board and city council candidates. Signs, postcards, canvassing, oh my!

UAPA Endorses Two for UA School Board

The Upper Arlington Progressive Action (UAPA) Board recently voted to endorse two candidates for the two seats available on the UA School Board. The selections were made based on responses to a set of ten questions (below) sent to all candidates. Neither Lou Sauter nor Liz Easton responded to our questions.


We recommend Nidhi Satiani be elected and Carol Mohr be reelected.


Untrained Teachers with Guns - Senate Bill 317 Testimony

Resistance Resources

Selected documents, Facebook groups, websites and more to help you #resist

The Scoop on Mindy Lambert, UA School Board Candidate.

This article is reprinted courtesy of the author, John Perry:

Mindy Lambert came to our door one recent evening. When I answered, she thrust a 5.5 x 8.5 color glossy card in my hand, said she was running for school board, gave a quick smile and turned and left without waiting for a reply. So I did a little research...

Action item: Stand with Ed on College Affordability

Democratic gubernatorial nominee Ed FitzGerald is announcing a major proposal on college affordability. It will affect families saving for college, the rising cost of tuition, and student loan debt.

We need people to stand with Ed at the important event. Please RSVP if you're able to attend to

We're asking folks to arrive at 1:15 tomorrow at the corner of Corner of E Spring St and N Washington Ave. If you have any problems finding us, please call 443-370-3205

UAPA September Newsletter

This month's newsletter features:

This Wednesday's (September 25) meeting with administrators from UA Schools. Find out more about the status and prospects of the schools, including the replacement levy, Issue 52.

Our members, Carolyn Casper and Carol Mohr who are running for UA City Council and the UA School Board.

Book Club selections for September, Reducing Gun Violence in America and October, Citizenville.

If you didn't receive a copy, subscribe.

Meet Maureen Reedy - Ohio House District 24 Candidate

Join Maureen Reedy on Friday, May 18th at 6:00 pm for a Meet the Candidate ~ Rock the Statehouse night with Colin & The Lonely Bones FREE Happy Hour show at Woodlands Tavern in Grandview, Great music and fun with friends!  Maureen is running for the Ohio House of Representatives District 24 this November.

Information about Issues

This is a source for all things Issue-related.

If you wonder  about the Affordable Care Act (aka "Obamacare") or the Republican war on women and women's rights, we will have some information for you,

If you wrote a letter to the editor about an issue, we would be glad to publish it whether or not the newspaper does.

If you want to know more about a current petition drive--whether to sign or to participate--we can help you find out more.

One teacher's story

Wisconsin teacher reveals why she is protecting her union

From the Capital Times, Madison, Wisconsin
This is the voice of one Madison teacher whose soul-searching lead her to the Capitol to protest the budget repair bill.


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