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2008 Election

Story Archive - 2008

Stories from 2008, including national and local elections.

2008 Events Archive

Events that took place during 2008.

About Us

Upper Arlington Progressive Action (UAPA) is a grassroots political action committee based in Upper Arlington, a conservative suburb of Columbus, Ohio. UAPA supports Democratic and progressive candidates and causes, and is entirely funded by donations from supporters. UAPA is run and governed solely by volunteers.
Upper Arlington Progressive Action gives Democratic and progressive voters an identity, voice and vehicle for action. UAPA members advocate for effective and efficient government that truly serves the needs of its people.

BBQ to benefit Mary Jo Kilroy




From our house…to the U.S. House!

Please join

Mark and Mary Baldwin and Upper Arlington Progressive Action

For a BBQ to benefit

Mary Jo Kilroy

Candidate for Ohio’s 15th Congressional District

Thursday, February 7th from 6:00 – 9:00 pm

"Send Mary Jo Kilroy to Washington. Ohio's 15th District and our country will be well served."
---President Bill Clinton



At the home of Mark and Mary Baldwin, 2271 Northwest Blvd., Columbus, OH 43221 (Corner of Baldridge and Northwest, 4 blocks south of W. Lane Ave.) [map

Voting Rights Forum with Jennifer Brunner

You are invited to a voting rights forum and lobby day with keynote speaker Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner!

Sign up today to attend!

Hear from election reform experts on what changes should be made to Ohio's Electoral System. Discussion topics include: voting systems, disability access, voter ID laws, deceptive practices, and public agency registration.

Jennifer Brunner will speak about the progress being made by her office, and what work lies ahead.

You will also receive a thorough lobbying training that will prepare you to discuss voting rights with your local state legislator. Legislators will attend during the afternoon, and will be available to meet with you.

You will be part of a long term strategy to bring electoral reform to Ohio by:

  • Making Ohio's no-excuse absentee voting law permanent
  • Fixing how we purge voters from the state wide voter file
  • Getting public agencies to comply with current laws to register new voters
  • Fixing provisional voting rules
  • Passing a "Deceptive Practices" bill will that criminalizes activity that intentionally misleads voters about the date, time and place of voting

Click here to sign up!

Party with a Purpose

You are invited to join

Frances Strickland, First Lady of Ohio

in support of the Ohio Democratic Party's women's outreach initiatives.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008, from 5:00-7:00 p.m.

at the home of Melissa Hedden, 2491 Lane Road

Suggested donation: Mentor $40; Champion $100

All Champion level donors will receive a copy of

The Road to Blue: A Photo Essay of the Ohio Democrats' Return to Leadership

a collectible book, inspired by the First Lady, chronicling the 2006 election.

rsvp by January 25 to Liz Shirey at 221-6563, Ext. 100 or



UAPA Debate Watching Party - Tuesday, February 26

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Arlington Banquets

1967 West Henderson Road [directions]
(next to Kroger, entrance and parking in the rear off of Nugent Road)

Donations welcome

7:30 p.m. - Appetizers and cash bar
(full menu available for carry out in adjoining Arlington Cafe)

8:00 p.m. - Pre-debate commentary by Dale Butland

Dale is an astute and experienced analyst of and participant in Ohio and presidential politics.

9:00-10:30 p.m. - Democratic debate at Cleveland State University
Moderated by Brian Willams and Tim Russert, NBC

11:30 p.m. - Time to go home to watch the pundits rehash the debate

For our planning purposes, we'd appreciate your making a reservation.
If you are unable to do so in advance, walk-ins are welcome.

While it is UAPA's policy to remain neutral during the primary, we strongly endorse spirited yet civil discourse, and ultimately a unified progressive front once the Democratic nominee is elected. We understand that it's easy to get emotionally charged during this process; however, it would be counter-productive for us to lose sight of the big picture.

Super Tuesday with OSU's Political Experts

Watch Super Tuesday primary returns with Ohio State's own political experts from 7-10 p.m. Tuesday (2/5) in the Faculty Club.

  • Paul Beck, professor of political science and dean, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences,
  • Herb Asher, professor emeritus, political science, and
  • Herb Weisberg, professor and chair, political science,

will provide live commentary, analysis and answer your questions as primary results roll in. The event is open to all. Admission is $10 with all proceeds going to the SBS Alumni Society Student Scholarship Fund.


Election 2008: The Perfect Storm

The Battle Ahead!

Ohio is again at the eye of the storm -- and UAPA is ready to batten down the hatches and help commandeer a Democratic victory. Get an inside look at the plan that will elect our next president. Doug Kelly, Executive Director of the Ohio Democratic Party, will present

"Election 2008: The Perfect Storm"


Sunday, January 27, at 7:00 p.m.

in the Little Theatre of Upper Arlington High School, 1650 Ridgeview Road

Kelly's experience includes ten years with the Democratic National Committee, first as research director and later as technology director. His professional life has been centered on various national and state-based political activities.

Ohio will once again be the deciding factor in the presidential election, and progressives need to build upon the success of the 2006 election and expand our grassroots infrastructure to insure victory this November.

Kelly's presentation is not to be missed and is the perfect kickoff to the Perfect Storm. Bring your friends and neighbors to learn about Ohio's battle plan for the presidential election. Be a part of history and take the first step toward getting our country back on course by joining us on Sunday, January 27.

Join Us at WVKO 1580 AM's Democratic “Party”

Join us for a Democratic “Party” with the Infamous
Stephanie Miller
as we welcome Progressive Talk Radio back to the Central Ohio airwaves!

Her fresh and funny show is on dozens of radio stations across the country, including in Los Angeles where she is now the #2 rated talk program in her time period. The Stephanie Miller Show is on the air in Miami, Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. and now Columbus, Ohio!


The Details:
March 1, 2008

The Emerald Room at the Makoy Center

5462 Center Street in Old Hilliard
6:00 – 10:00 PM

Tickets $25 Individual • $40 Couple


Complimentary pizza, cash bar, 50/50 raffle, WVKO promotional items and more!

This event will feature a “pizza challenge’” with Hilliard pizzerias competing for the best pizza as determined by the event attendees!

Come and enjoy a fun time with like-minded individuals as we enjoy Stephanie’s comic spin on the world of US politics. Let’s discuss the Progressive Movement and its importance this election year. Pass the word to your progressive friends! A good time is guaranteed!


For more information and to purchase tickets visit


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