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Environmental Justice






















"Environmental Justice: Redefining Environmentalism?"

Anna Willow, assistant professor of anthropology, OSU Marion

6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 6, 090/070 Science & Engineering Library (basement), 175 W. 18th Ave., Ohio State Columbus campus (parking available Tuttle Park Garage)

Environmental Justice (EJ) is simultaneously an environmental and a social movement. Far from the distant wilderness areas and endangered species that have frequently preoccupied mainstream environmentalists, EJ activists redefine “the environment” as the places we all live, work, and play. This evening’s talk will overview the history, main principles, and unifying goals of this emerging movement. Dr. Willow will describe her experiences as a cultural anthropologist working with indigenous anti-clearcutting activists in Northwestern Ontario. She will introduce and encourage stories about environmental justice issues that have arisen much closer to home.

Anyone is welcome, although seating may be limited.
-- > Contact: Danny Dotson at
-- > Read more >

Coffee & Conversation, new location!

By popular demand! Coffee & Conversation will meet in a roomier location.

First Community Village Chelsea House
1800 Riverside Drive
Directions: enter at Waltham Road and follow the signs to Chelsea House
Saturday, May 7, 2011
9-10:30 a.m.
Plenty of parking! Private meeting room!

Special guest: Dennis Willard
Media and public relations consultant for the Ohio Democratic Party

Do you feel conservatives always control the narrative? Are you hoping and progressives develop a clear message for the 2012 election? Meet Dennis Willard, who will tell us how Democrats are already taking charge of the dialogue.

Please RSVP so we have enough coffee, tea and light refreshments. Just click on the "Coffee & Converation, new location!" headline above.

Women's Lobbying Day

Strong Women, Strong Voices: A Women's Lobbying Day

Tuesday, April 12
12:30 p.m. program

(Optional fundraiser 5-7 p.m.)
Renaissance Columbus Hotel, 50 North 3rd Street, Columbus, OH 43215

Ohio Gov. Kasich and GOP legislators have taken off with a full-fledged anti-women agenda – from women’s health to voting rights to public education and other issues important to Ohio's middle class. Make your voice in opposition heard!

Meanwhile, our Democratic women in government have fought for a pro-women and pro-family agenda. Make your voice in support heard!

Hosts: Women of the Ohio House and Senate Democratic Caucuses and the Ohio Democratic Party.


March in support of Obama

March for President Obama


Take a stand against the Party of No this week! Be part of the PARTY OF YES (WE CAN)

President Obama will be in Columbus on Wednesday, Aug. 18, to raise funds for deserving Democratic candidates up and down the ticket this November. The Tea Party is planning a huge rally to oppose his policies. In response, we need to show our support for the president!

Help make signs on Tuesday, Aug. 17. Then march Wednesday morning.

Sign making: 7 p.m., Ohio Democratic Party Headquarters, 340 East Fulton Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215. Have a little fun, get creative and say what you want to say in support of YES.

March: 10:30 a.m., meet at ODP and walk to site of President Obama's speech in downtown Columbus. Finish around 1:30 p.m. Wear BLUE to support all Democrats in Ohio. Homemade signs welcome. Examples: Thank you President Obama, Vote 2010, Keep Ohio Blue, Fight for Ohio's Future, We're Fighting for Ohio's Future, We've Got Your Back, President Obama

Put on your walking shoes,

Gather up your wit,
Raise your voice, and
Let them know: We won't take NO for an answer!

For more information, contact Katie Kelly at

Statewide Women's Organizing Convention April 24, 2010

Ohio Women's Democratic Caucus

Statewide Women's Organizing Convention

"Engaging, Energizing and Empowering Democratic Women"

8 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Saturday, April 24

YWCA, 65 S. Fourth St., Columbus, Ohio

First Lady Frances Strickland
Lieutenant Governor Candidate Yvette McGee Brown
Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner
Secretary of State Candidate Maryellen O’Shaughnessy
Senate Minority Leader Capri Cafaro
Supreme Court Justice Candidate Judge Mary Jane Trapp
Numerous other officials, candidates, labor and community leaders

*Cocktail Reception, 6-7:30 pm

$10 for Convention only (includes breakfast, lunch, and conference materials)

$30 for Convention and Cocktail Reception (includes drink ticket and heavy hors d' oeuvres)


Contact: Erin Upchurch at

Vote 2010 Kickoff!

Columbus Vote 2010 Kickoff

Saturday, June 5

11 a.m.

Columbus/Grandview Heights Coordinated Campaign Office, 747 Chambers Road, Columbus, OH 43212

The November election is only five months away. Organizing for American has identified a clear path to success: Get as many as possible of the 15 million folks who voted for the first time in 2008 back to the polls. Engaging them early in the year is the best way to ensure their participation, so on June 5 OFA volunteers will be knocking on doors in our area and across the U.S. and calling first-time 2008 voters to ask them to commit to voting again in November.

Celeste Volunteer Kickoff and Party

Ted Celeste

Volunteer Kick-Off and Party

Saturday, May 22

10 am

McKinley Park Shelter House in Grandview
Urlin Ave. and Goodale Blvd. (map)

See how you can get involved in Ted's campaign. Catch up with other volunteers and staff who you may have not seen since the last election and meet new friends for 2010! Sign up to help out in the office or in the field, get information on spreading the word online, and pick up a Ted Celeste Yard Sign.

Continental breakfast and great company provided.


OSU Dems rally

Calling all progressives at The Ohio State University!

University Democrats rally
Tuesday, May 24
5-6:30 p.m.
Location TBA

Guest: Greg Schultz, the new chair of the Franklin County Democratic Party, who will discuss the ballot initiative to repeal SB 5.

University Democrats at The Ohio State University are organizing for 2012, with the goal of beating back the right-wing onslaught. They are accepting new members, reconnecting with former members, and determining their agenda.

For more information or to get on the UniDems email list, contact

University Democrats Executive Committee
Dick Gunther, Rick Livingston, Gina Langen, Charlie Wilson, Jo McCulty


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