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Women's Issues

Overall term for female-specific issues, including health care and reproductive rights, differential pay, and sexual violence.

2nd Annual Courage of Conviction Award

Show You Care About Women with a Yard Sign!

For delivery in Upper Arlington and surrounding areas only.  We’re sorry, but we do not ship.

Yard signs are 16” X 26" and come with a sturdy metal U stake and have a union bug. Requesting $5.00 per sign; for $10.00 per sign, we will replace of stolen or destroyed signs.

Resistance Resources

Selected documents, Facebook groups, websites and more to help you #resist

Story Archive - 2012

Stories related to the 2012 Election and other 2012 issues.

Coffee & Conversation - The Republican War on Women

UA Progressive Action Coffee and Conversation
Saturday, April 7, 2012, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
30 Attendees

Speaker: Lauren Harmon, Director of the Ohio Democratic Women’s Caucus

Carolyn Casper introduced the speaker. Lauren Harmon will give us a brief overview of the war against women.

Important Coffee and Conversation April 7th!

Coffee and Conversation logoJoin us on Saturday, April 7, 2012, from 9:00-10:30 a.m. at  La Chatelaine on Lane Avenue.

Central Ohio Democratic Women's Caucus Discusses Messaging Skills on March 22

cAre you an effective communicator for women's issues? How strong is your messaging ability?  "Effective Communication for Women's Issues: How Women Can Hone Their Messaging Skills" will be the special topic addressed at the Central Ohio Democratic Women's Caucus meeting Thursday, March 22, 2012, from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. at the Ohio Democratic Party (ODP) headquarters, 340 E.

Information about Issues

This is a source for all things Issue-related.

If you wonder  about the Affordable Care Act (aka "Obamacare") or the Republican war on women and women's rights, we will have some information for you,

If you wrote a letter to the editor about an issue, we would be glad to publish it whether or not the newspaper does.

If you want to know more about a current petition drive--whether to sign or to participate--we can help you find out more.

Book Club Chooses "Half the Sky" for November Meeting

UAPA Book Club will meet on Monday, November 28 at the Upper Arlington Main Library, Room B. Our next selection is "Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide" by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn.

Party with a Purpose

You are invited to join

Frances Strickland, First Lady of Ohio

in support of the Ohio Democratic Party's women's outreach initiatives.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008, from 5:00-7:00 p.m.

at the home of Melissa Hedden, 2491 Lane Road

Suggested donation: Mentor $40; Champion $100

All Champion level donors will receive a copy of

The Road to Blue: A Photo Essay of the Ohio Democrats' Return to Leadership

a collectible book, inspired by the First Lady, chronicling the 2006 election.

rsvp by January 25 to Liz Shirey at 221-6563, Ext. 100 or




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