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Top level term for various energy types such as oil, solar and wind.

Resistance Resources

Selected documents, Facebook groups, websites and more to help you #resist

Letter to the Editor: Wind, Solar Supplement Fossil Fuels

Letter to the Editor
Columbus Dispatch
April 4, 2014

In his Saturday letter “Energy mandates should be reviewed,” Sam Randazzo of Industrial Energy Users-Ohio made a lot of
claims about how bad the energy-efficiency targets are that the Ohio legislature enacted in 2008. Most of his claims were

We must do something to decrease our oil and gas usage. Yes, there is a boom now, but how long will that last and what is the

Information about Issues

This is a source for all things Issue-related.

If you wonder  about the Affordable Care Act (aka "Obamacare") or the Republican war on women and women's rights, we will have some information for you,

If you wrote a letter to the editor about an issue, we would be glad to publish it whether or not the newspaper does.

If you want to know more about a current petition drive--whether to sign or to participate--we can help you find out more.

Environmental Successes of President Barack Obama

President Obama in front of  Capitol with word Success! in greenDuring this election year, it's particularly important to share some of the achievements of the Obama administration, and when we talk about what separates a Democratic administration from a Republican one, there are no greater reminders about the differences than environmental priorities like the following:

Cool UA Town Meeting


Concerned about climate change? Want to make UA safe and healthy and save taxpayer money?

Join us for a town meeting!

Learn how UA can become a leader on energy issues and join more than 600 other U.S. cities that have pledged to become Cool Cities!

You'€™ll receive information on what other cities like UA are doing to address the climate crisis, learn how we can save money and conserve energy, and hear from elected officials and experts on climate change!

Wednesday, August 15th, 7 pm
Upper Arlington Municipal Services Center
3600 Tremont Road


Upper Arlington Clean Energy Forum








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