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Supreme Court of the US

Are you Concerned About Children Separated From Their Parents By OUR Government?

Despite a judge's order, over 400 children have yet to be reunited with their families following Trump’s outrageous, cruel, and shameful plan to use children as tools to deter immigration.   Politicians have condemned Trump’s policy, but have not remedied the problem.  We need to convince them to DO SOMETHING!  


Letter to the Editor - Supreme Court Affirms 'Obamacare'

Columbus Dispatch,

July 4, 2012

Over the past few days, since the recent Supreme Court decision affirming ObamaCare, several letters have appeared in the Dispatch questioning not only the Court’s decision but also conservative Chief Justice John Roberts’ courageous deciding vote to uphold the law’s constitutionality.

The most prominent criticisms were in the lead editorial in Sunday’s paper.

Information about Issues

This is a source for all things Issue-related.

If you wonder  about the Affordable Care Act (aka "Obamacare") or the Republican war on women and women's rights, we will have some information for you,

If you wrote a letter to the editor about an issue, we would be glad to publish it whether or not the newspaper does.

If you want to know more about a current petition drive--whether to sign or to participate--we can help you find out more.

Facts about Supreme Court

We know how important the Supreme Court is to the success of progressive initiatives. We need to keep our eye on where the top nine are moving. Here are two sources of information you will find of value.

Why Obama seems to back off 'don't ask, don't tell'

Confused by reports that the Obama Administration asked the Supreme Court not to take on an appeal of the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy banning gays in the military?

Here's a lucid explanation from the Washington Post, June 8, 2009.

Thank you, Pat Leahy


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