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Health Insurance

May meeting features Get Covered America

UAPA will welcome Emily Fisher to talk about Get Covered America and Enroll America on May 26, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Friends Theater, UA Library, 2800 Tremont Rd.

Enroll America's mission is to get people signed up for health care through the Affordable Care Act or enrolled in Medicaid. Emily Fisher joined the local effort to sign up people during the open enrollment period that started in late 2014 and concluded on February 15.  Folks eligible for Medicaid can enroll anytime.

Support the Roll-Out of the ACA (aka 'Obamacare')

ProgressOhio is promoting some activities to support the 'Obamacare' roll-out that begins on October 1, 2013, the first day that individuals can sign up and enroll for health insurance through the health care exchanges.

‘Mercy Killers’: Living Without Health Insurance

Mercy Killers logoOur American system of health care is put under a dramatic spotlight in a new play having a three-week run in Columbus.

Celeste to Discuss Autism Insurance Bill

The Autism Speaks student chapter at The Ohio State University will host Rep. Ted Celeste and advocate Doug Krinksy for a discussion of a bill to ensure insurance coverage for autism and a review of autism advocacy in Columbus. The meeting will be held Friday, March 6, at 5 p.m. in 167 Campbell Hall, 1787 Neil Ave., on the Columbus campus. HB 8 would require private health insurance companies to cover the screening, diagnosis, testing and treatment of autism. The meeting is open and free to the public. Public parking is available after 4 p.m.

Calculate health care's impact on you

If you're like us, the first thing you want to know is how the new healthcare legislation affects you.

The Cost of Care

This was originally posted on our website in 2010, but it is worth reminding ourselves that we are being overcharged for our healthcare. The Affordable Care Act begins to address this and that is one reason why the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects lower deficits over the next few years.

From National Geographic:

Rally for Comprehensive Health Care ReformThis Saturday

Join UAPA this Saturday at the State House!

statehouseJoin up with AFSCME and other partners this Saturday as we call on members of the Ohio Congressional delegation to support HR 3200, America's Affordable Health Choices Act as it comes to a vote in the House of Representatives next week.

Saturday, July 25, 2009, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Ohio State House North Plaza

(Broad Street between High and Third)

Rallly Partners Include Progress Ohio, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Council 8, Ohio Civil Service Employees Association (OCSEA), Ohio Association of Public School Employees (OAPSE), and AFSCME Retirees Chapter 1184.

For more information, contact Aryeh Alex at, or 513.478.5928

Ohioans call on Representatives Driehaus, Space, Boccieri and Tiberi to vote yes on HR 3200, America's Affordable Health Choices Act. The bill is a uniquely American solution to the health care crisis. HR 3200 includes the choice of a public health insurance plan that will compete with private insurance companies to keep them honest and lower costs.

The American people vs. the Special Interests

President Obama yesterday:

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