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John McCain

Story Archive - 2008

Stories from 2008, including national and local elections.

UAPA Debate Watching Party - Tuesday, February 26

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Arlington Banquets

1967 West Henderson Road [directions]
(next to Kroger, entrance and parking in the rear off of Nugent Road)

Donations welcome

7:30 p.m. - Appetizers and cash bar
(full menu available for carry out in adjoining Arlington Cafe)

8:00 p.m. - Pre-debate commentary by Dale Butland

Dale is an astute and experienced analyst of and participant in Ohio and presidential politics.

9:00-10:30 p.m. - Democratic debate at Cleveland State University
Moderated by Brian Willams and Tim Russert, NBC

11:30 p.m. - Time to go home to watch the pundits rehash the debate

For our planning purposes, we'd appreciate your making a reservation.
If you are unable to do so in advance, walk-ins are welcome.

While it is UAPA's policy to remain neutral during the primary, we strongly endorse spirited yet civil discourse, and ultimately a unified progressive front once the Democratic nominee is elected. We understand that it's easy to get emotionally charged during this process; however, it would be counter-productive for us to lose sight of the big picture.



Presidential Debate Watching Party

Wednesday, October 15 at 5:00 p.m.

at Plumbers and Pipefitters Union Hall

More details to follow.

DEBATE WATCHING PARTY Obama vs. McCain - Round One

We're going to be looking for Barack's knock-out punch in the first televised debate, so bring your friends, wear your Obama gear and join us as we cheer him on to a first-round victory!



Friday, September 26, 2008

Arlington Banquets

1967 West Henderson Road in the Kroger shopping center

7:30 p.m. Meet and Greet

Complimentary Appetizers and Cash Bar

8:00 p.m. Brief Program

Topic: early voting, voter protection review, introduction of candidates

9:00 p.m. Televised Debate

Watch the debate on large, state-of-the-art monitors

Bring your yard sign, t-shirt, bumper sticker and button orders with you.

Our Obama store will be open and ready for business!


To help defray expenses, we're asking for a $5 per person donation at the door.


Spreading the Wealth

By Alexander Zaitchik, AlterNet.

GOP Agenda-Driven Journalism

The Jed Report put together this video mashup of WFTV's Barbara West, giving us a nice side-by-side contrast of her respective interviews with Joe Biden and John McCain.

As it turns out, Barbara West is a registered Republican and Barbara's husband, Wade West, is a Republican Media Consultant.

Keating Economics

John McCain wants you to forget about his role in our country's last major financial crisis and costly bailout: the savings and loan crisis of the late '80s and early '90s.

But voters deserve to know that the failed philosophy and culture of corruption that created the savings and loan crisis then are alive in the current crisis -- and in John McCain's plans for our economic future.

Here's a superb 13-minute documentary about John McCain's role in that financial crisis --

News Briefs - On Housing

Obama Expected to Better Address Housing Market Issues than McCain, According to Survey

Housing/Mortgage/Foreclosure Among Top 3 Issues New President Should Be Prepared to Address

Palin hiding from the press: Day 24

The Washington Post notes the historically unprecedented attempt by a vice-presidential nominee to hide from press accountability:

Mr. McCain's selection of an inexperienced and relatively unknown figure was unsettling, and the campaign's decision to keep her sequestered from serious interchanges with reporters and voters serves only to deepen the unease. Mr. McCain is entitled to choose the person he thinks would be best for the job. He is not entitled to keep the public from being able to make an informed assessment of that judgment. Ms. Palin's speech-making skills are impressive, but the more she repeats the same stump speech lines, the queasier we get. Nor have her answers to the gentle questioning she has encountered provided any confidence that Ms. Palin has a grasp of the issues.

There are only a few weeks to go before the United States may pick a potential president who has never given a press conference as a candidate for national office. This is not a functioning democracy.

And McCain is even worse: 40 days since his last press conference.

Graphing Lessons: Who's getting tax relief?

Justin Wolfers posts competing charts on the candidates' tax plans on the Freakonomics blog.



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