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BBQ to benefit Mary Jo Kilroy





From our house…to the U.S. House!

Please join

Mark and Mary Baldwin and Upper Arlington Progressive Action

For a BBQ to benefit

Mary Jo Kilroy

Candidate for Ohio’s 15th Congressional District

Thursday, February 7th from 6:00 – 9:00 pm

"Send Mary Jo Kilroy to Washington. Ohio's 15th District and our country will be well served."
---President Bill Clinton



At the home of Mark and Mary Baldwin, 2271 Northwest Blvd., Columbus, OH 43221 (Corner of Baldridge and Northwest, 4 blocks south of W. Lane Ave.) [map


Sign up below for this event.

Contribution Levels
Sponsor $250
Friend $150
Supporter $100
Guest $50


Please make checks payable to: Kilroy for Congress, PO Box 2582, Columbus, OH 43216

Contributions are not deductible for federal income tax purposes. Maximum contribution is $2,300 per primary election and $2,300 per general election, or $5,000 per Political Action Committee per primary election and $5,000 per Political Action Committee per general election. Corporate contributions are not acceptable.

OH-15 is a top tier open seat

  • Rep. Deborah Pryce decided in August not to seek re-election in the 15th Congressional District and republicans scrambled to find a viable candidate.
  • After publicly turning down the offer to run for months, State Senator Steve Stivers has announced he will run.
  • Kilroy is proud to have the support and early endorsement of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Red to Blue program, EMILY's List and Ohio AFL-CIO.

Several key factors

  • As the Franklin County Commissioner, Mary Jo Kilroy currently represents 87% of the 15th Congressional District.
  • In 2006, outspent by $2 million, Kilroy came within only 1,062 votes of winning this district - less than 0.5% of the vote.
  • The 15th Congressional District was split 50-50 for George W. Bush and John Kerry in 2004 and continues to trend Democratic.
  • Demonstrating her fundraising prowess, Mary Jo Kilroy reported $828,361 in receipts for the 2008 election cycle and $638,086 cash-on-hand through December 31, 2007.
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