Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Arlington Banquets
1967 West Henderson Road [directions]
(next to Kroger, entrance and parking in the rear off of Nugent Road)
Donations welcome
7:30 p.m. - Appetizers and cash bar
(full menu available for carry out in adjoining Arlington Cafe)
8:00 p.m. - Pre-debate commentary by Dale Butland
Dale is an astute and experienced analyst of and participant in Ohio and presidential politics.
9:00-10:30 p.m. - Democratic debate at Cleveland State University
Moderated by Brian Willams and Tim Russert, NBC
11:30 p.m. - Time to go home to watch the pundits rehash the debate
For our planning purposes, we'd appreciate your making a reservation.
If you are unable to do so in advance, walk-ins are welcome.
While it is UAPA's policy to remain neutral during the primary, we strongly endorse spirited yet civil discourse, and ultimately a unified progressive front once the Democratic nominee is elected. We understand that it's easy to get emotionally charged during this process; however, it would be counter-productive for us to lose sight of the big picture. |