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2008 Election

Colin Powell endorses Barack Obama

On Sunday's Meet The Press Gen. Colin Powell delivered the most convincing and eloquent endorsement (video) yet for Barack Obama.

Powell appeals to independents who are socially liberal, fiscally conservative and moderate on defense issues.

Unlike other endorsements, very recent polling indicates that Powell's endorsment carries weight with voters.

How to Vote Early

It's easy to vote early! Save yourself time and hassle by casting your ballor before November 4th. Here's how!

Vote Early by Mailvote

Help Obama and Vote Early!

A record voter turnout is expected for the 2008 U.S. presidential election, and that prediction will put new election law reforms to the test. According to, in 2004, 125 million people voted in the presidential election, about 88 percent of registered voters. Experts believe that turnout in 2008 will be somewhere between 125 million and 200 million voters, the highest numbers in recent memory.

The Daily Show: Are you a "Real American"?

Once again, Jon Stewart connects the dots, where the mainstream media misses it.

This time about the Republican's campaign claiming they are the party of the "Real Americans". The Jason Jones interview with the Wasilla mayor nails it:

Here's the latest in a string of comments from Republicans that question Democrats' patriotism.

"Governor Palin....I should have a choice about this"

Get your name in an endorsement ad for Ted Celeste TODAY!

Ted Celeste is placing an endorsement ad in the suburban newspapers and asks for your support TODAY. The ad will say "Join your friends and neighbors in Supporting Ted Celeste".

Email your name in TODAY to

Creationism: State School Board

Progressives should be alert to the race for the Ohio School Board, where the issue of creationism is unfortunately is being overlooked by many.

In District 6 (Columbus metro), candidate Kristen McKinley can be counted on to fight against efforts to put "intelligent design" aka creationism into the statewide science curriculum. Schools are obligated to follow state standards, so our votes for state school board candidates do count!

Campaign Funnies: Palin Blasts Obama's Ties to the Weather Channel


Obamanomics and closing the income gap

Obama walks the talk on health care

Another reason to be proud of Barack Obama. Here's an editorial from the Zanesville Recorder:

Obama covers health care

Recently Sara Eckhouse, the Obama field organizer in Zanesville, fell and had to be taken to the emergency room. Accidents happen, of course, but I was surprised when I took Sara to the emergency room. Sara had complete medical coverage from the Obama campaign.


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