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2008 Election

Keating Economics

John McCain wants you to forget about his role in our country's last major financial crisis and costly bailout: the savings and loan crisis of the late '80s and early '90s.

But voters deserve to know that the failed philosophy and culture of corruption that created the savings and loan crisis then are alive in the current crisis -- and in John McCain's plans for our economic future.

Here's a superb 13-minute documentary about John McCain's role in that financial crisis --

If you own a dog

Watch this video:


Sarah Palin is an enthusiastic supporter of aerial wolf gunning. Often wolves shot from the air are not killed outright and left to die on the ground. Palin enthusiastically defends this cruelty. You can find out more here.

Rep. Ted Celeste Earns Dispatch Endorsement

Congratulations to Ted Celeste on his endorsement by the Columbus Dispatch:

Top Ten Messages Left on Sarah Palin's Answering Machine

From The Late Show with David Letterman, October 3, 2008.

Celebs to Americans: Don't Vote!



Cafferty: Palin should "scare the hell out of you"

The fact that Palin’s studying to be Vice President through all-night cram sessions, as if the campaign were some undergrad final should, in Cafferty's words, "scare the hell out of [every American]".

UAPA says: Vote Yes on Issue 5!

Ask yourself one question, "Is 391 percent interest too high?" Yes!

Now you know how to vote on Issue 5, Ohio's payday loan referendum that gready lenders are trying to get on the Nov. 4 ballot.

Upper Arlington Progressive Action first brought this to your attention several months ago when we learned about the effort to reform payday lending. We applauded the passage of House Bill 545, which reduced the annual percentage of interest that can be charged down to 28 percent.

News Briefs - On Housing

Obama Expected to Better Address Housing Market Issues than McCain, According to Survey

Housing/Mortgage/Foreclosure Among Top 3 Issues New President Should Be Prepared to Address

Palin On Russia

All you can say is: unbelievable. Except she is the vice-presidential candidate of a national political party. Palin tries to defend the foreign policy “experience” she gleaned from being Governor of a state that’s close to Russia.


Dumbing down the VP debate


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