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UAPA is rolling up our sleeves this fall!


  1. We're involved in the fight to repeal SB5.
  2. We're identifying progressive UA City Council candidates and supporting them.
  3. We're working hard to reverse HB194, the unfair Republican voter suprression bill.
  4. We're laying the groundwork for 2012's Presidential, Senate and House races.
  5. We're providing you with a forum to discuss and learn about timely local, state and national topics at our monthly Coffee and Conversation.
  6. We're about to unveil our new UAPA website to keep our UA progressives informed and plugged in.  

We need your financial support in order to continue fighting for our progressive agenda.  Please consider making a contribution of $100, $50, $25 or any amount you choose to UAPA.  If every UAPA member made a modest contribution, we'd be able to accomplish all of the above and a great deal more...of course the more you donate, the more impact we have!

Send your check, payable to UAPA, to 2491 Lane Road, Columbus, Ohio 43220.

Thank you in advance for your support!


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