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Membership Meeting

May meeting features Get Covered America

UAPA will welcome Emily Fisher to talk about Get Covered America and Enroll America on May 26, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the Friends Theater, UA Library, 2800 Tremont Rd.

Enroll America's mission is to get people signed up for health care through the Affordable Care Act or enrolled in Medicaid. Emily Fisher joined the local effort to sign up people during the open enrollment period that started in late 2014 and concluded on February 15.  Folks eligible for Medicaid can enroll anytime.

Learn about Move to Amend This Tuesday

Join us for our next UAPA General Membership Meeting this Tuesday, July 17, 2012, at the Upper Arlington Main Library, 2800 Tremont Road, from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Our guest speaker will be Michael Greenman of Move to Amend, who will be speaking on "We the People," not "We the Corporations." Constitution rewritten to begin "We the Corporations ...</body></html>

Don't Miss "Heist" at the June Membership Meeting

You don't want to miss .... MOVIE NIGHT!

Join us for a special screening of the acclaimed documentary "Heist" on Monday, June 18, at the Upper Arlington Main Library, 2800 Tremont Road, from 7:00 - 9:00 p.m.

May Membership Meeting Report - Mike Curtin and the News Revolution

UAPA Membership Meeting
May 22, 2012, 7pm,
Upper Arlington Public Library, Little Theater.

Speaker: Mike Curtin, former editor of the Columbus Dispatch

The second edition of my book The Ohio Politics Almanac is available. Please support Maureen Reedy for the 24th House District. I’m running for the 17th House District. It is a walking poster for redistricting reform. Redistricting is at the root of so many problems we have in this state.

Learn about "The News Revolution" at the next UAPA Meeting on May 22

Come Hear Our Special Guest Speaker Mike Curtin!

Join UAPA at our next monthly membership meeting on Tuesday, May 22, 2012 at the main Upper Arlington Public Library, Friends Theater Downstairs, 2800 Tremont Road from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Our guest speaker is Mike Curtin, the former editor, associate publisher and COO of The Columbus Dispatch

April Membership Meeting Features WVKO 1580 AM Radio

WVKO 1580 AM Radio logoJoin us at our next general membership meeting on Monday, April 16 and learn about progressive talk radio. Kris Roja of WVKO 1580 AM Radio will be our guest. The presentation will detail the history of progressive talk radio and what we can do to support its presence and mission in Central Ohio.

UAPA Membership Meeting on March 20 Focuses on Fair Redistricting

fBe engaged and plan on attending UAPA's next membership meeting on March 20, Upper Arlington Main Library, 2800 Tremont Road. The meeting will be held downstairs, and runs from 7:00- 8:30 p.m.  Richard Gunther, professor emeritus of political science, OSU, will speak about the current Constitution-changing petition effort to replace the existing redistricting process with a balanced approach that emphasiz

February Membership Meeting - John Patrick Carney and Health Care Reform

Upper Arlington Progressive Action Membership Meeting

Thursday, February 23, 2012, 7pm,

UA Public Library

13 people attended.


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