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WVKO Radio

April Membership Meeting Features WVKO 1580 AM Radio

WVKO 1580 AM Radio logoJoin us at our next general membership meeting on Monday, April 16 and learn about progressive talk radio. Kris Roja of WVKO 1580 AM Radio will be our guest. The presentation will detail the history of progressive talk radio and what we can do to support its presence and mission in Central Ohio.

Join Us at WVKO 1580 AM's Democratic “Party”

Join us for a Democratic “Party” with the Infamous
Stephanie Miller
as we welcome Progressive Talk Radio back to the Central Ohio airwaves!

Her fresh and funny show is on dozens of radio stations across the country, including in Los Angeles where she is now the #2 rated talk program in her time period. The Stephanie Miller Show is on the air in Miami, Seattle, San Francisco, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. and now Columbus, Ohio!


The Details:
March 1, 2008

The Emerald Room at the Makoy Center

5462 Center Street in Old Hilliard
6:00 – 10:00 PM

Tickets $25 Individual • $40 Couple


Complimentary pizza, cash bar, 50/50 raffle, WVKO promotional items and more!

This event will feature a “pizza challenge’” with Hilliard pizzerias competing for the best pizza as determined by the event attendees!

Come and enjoy a fun time with like-minded individuals as we enjoy Stephanie’s comic spin on the world of US politics. Let’s discuss the Progressive Movement and its importance this election year. Pass the word to your progressive friends! A good time is guaranteed!


For more information and to purchase tickets visit

Bill Press is Coming to Columbus-May 15, 2008

pressPopular morning progressive radio host and political insider Bill Press will be in Columbus to promote his new book Trainwreck: The End of the Conservative Revolution. WVKO 1580 AM will host a book signing and dinner party with Bill on Thursday, May 15th at 6:00 p.m. at the Florentine Restaruant, 907 West Broad Street in Columbus. Admission is $25 and includes an Italian dinner buffet.

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