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Coffee & Conversation

Coffee and Conversation on July 7th Discusses Gun Violence and How to Stop It

Join us at 9:00 a.m. this Saturday, July 7th, for our next Coffee & Conversation meeting. Marian Harris from the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence will be our speaker. The mission of the Coalition is to provide information to the public, advocating the reduction and prevention of gun violence in our communities.

Video the Vote Featured at Coffee and Conversation This Saturday! Please Note Location Change!

Our next Coffee and Conversation will be on June 2nd, 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. We'll be meeting at Panera by the OSU Campus, 300 W. Lane Avenue. It's nestled between College Traditions and Conrad's, across the street from St. John Arena.  Special guest speaker will be J.R. McMillan of the Columbus Chapter of Video the Vote, a national network of citizen journalists, independent filmmakers, and media professionals working together to document voter suppression and disenfranchisement.

Coffee & Conversation - The Republican War on Women

UA Progressive Action Coffee and Conversation
Saturday, April 7, 2012, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
30 Attendees

Speaker: Lauren Harmon, Director of the Ohio Democratic Women’s Caucus

Carolyn Casper introduced the speaker. Lauren Harmon will give us a brief overview of the war against women.

Important Coffee and Conversation April 7th!

Coffee and Conversation logoJoin us on Saturday, April 7, 2012, from 9:00-10:30 a.m. at  La Chatelaine on Lane Avenue.

Important Coffee and Conversation This Saturday!

cJoin us this Saturday, March 3, 2012, from 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. at Park Creek Kitchen, 2124 Arlington Avenue.  Our dynamic speaker will be Dick Gunther, professor emeritus of political science, Ohio State University, who will reveal the latest initiative of how congressional and legislative districts will be drawn by citizens (not legislators) and how we can help get it on the ballot this November.

Coffee & Conversation - Library Levy and Mike Schadek

Coffee and Conversation logoCoffee and Conversation

Saturday, February 4, 2012, 10 am

UA Public Library Meeting Room A

Kathy Panning introduced the Library Levy Presentation: Ann Moore, Amy Sharpe, Ruth McNeil, Bill Shkurti, Kate Porter, board members and officials of the library.

Coffee & Conversation - September 2011

We'll gather this Saturday, Sept. 3, at La Chatelaine, 1550 W. Lane Avenue, Upper Arlington, at 9:00 a.m. for lively conversation. The room will not be reserved and there will be no guest speaker this week.  Just look around for familiar faces!

Coffee & Conversation

Coffee & Conversation After a break for the Independence Day holiday, Coffee and Conversation resumes! Saturday, Aug. 69-10:30 a.m. La Chatelaine, West Lane Avenue No RSVP required

Coffee & Conversation, new location!

By popular demand! Coffee & Conversation will meet in a roomier location.

First Community Village Chelsea House
1800 Riverside Drive
Directions: enter at Waltham Road and follow the signs to Chelsea House
Saturday, May 7, 2011
9-10:30 a.m.
Plenty of parking! Private meeting room!

Special guest: Dennis Willard
Media and public relations consultant for the Ohio Democratic Party

Do you feel conservatives always control the narrative? Are you hoping and progressives develop a clear message for the 2012 election? Meet Dennis Willard, who will tell us how Democrats are already taking charge of the dialogue.

Please RSVP so we have enough coffee, tea and light refreshments. Just click on the "Coffee & Converation, new location!" headline above.

Coffee & Conversation - March 2011

Coffee and Conversation.jpgCoffee & Conversation
Saturday, March 5, 2011
9-10:30 a.m.
Back room, La Chatelaine French Bakery
1550 West Lane Ave., Upper Arlington, OH 43221 Map and directions

No RSVP required

"Mind walk" with Upper Arlington Progressive Action! Be prepared for free-wheeling exchanges as you share thoughts on current topics. Occasionally, guest experts will share their inside knowledge, too.

(As a courtesy to La Chatelaine, please be prepared to buy coffee or breakfast.)


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