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Coffee and Conversation on July 7th Discusses Gun Violence and How to Stop It

Join us at 9:00 a.m. this Saturday, July 7th, for our next Coffee & Conversation meeting. Marian Harris from the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence will be our speaker. The mission of the Coalition is to provide information to the public, advocating the reduction and prevention of gun violence in our communities. We will be meeting at Panera at Mill Run, 3625 Fishinger Boulevard, Hilliard, OH 43026.

The number of preschoolers killed by guns was nearly double the number of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty in 2008 (88 vs. 41) and 2009 (85 vs. 48). These shocking statistics come from the Children’s Defense Fund’s 2012 report, Protect Children Not Guns.  Recent bills in the Ohio Legislature would approve concealed loaded weapons on college campuses, in houses of worship and in day care centers. The House has passed a bill granting reciprocity to other states meaning we honor permits given by states who require no or minimal training in gun use.  With your help, the Coalition hopes to deter the Senate from adopting these and other bills that endanger the public, especially our children.

Stay informed by signing up for periodic updates at the Coalition web site, friend us on Facebook (Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence) and join us in keeping our families and communities safe.


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