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Political History

Background and history of political activity in Ohio and the nation.

Video - Information and Misinformation on Social Media: Practical Information Literacy

If you missed our March 4th session on how social media affected the 2016 election and how to judge information you find on the Internet and social media, we have the links to the resources mentioned and video of the presentation. The presentation is on Facebook.

Book Club for May

cover of The Soul of America by Jon MeachamNew, new book club book for May will be The Soul of America: The Battle for Our Better Angels by Jon Meacham. This replaces The Case Against Standardized Testing by Alfie Kohn which replaced Brief Answers to the Big Questions by Stephen Hawking.

Meet on May 29th at 7:00 PM at 2000 Malvern Rd.

Funders of "Attack" Postcards in UA City Council Election Revealed


Sign Theft Watch

As many of you know from personal experience, there have been many Hillary Clinton signs stolen from people's yards this election season. At last someone witnessed one of these thefts, which has been reported to the UAPD.

Candidates by District

Your source for information about state and national candidates. Links lead off-site.

Current Ohio House members

Current Ohio Senate members

US House of Representatives

US Senate

Candidates (current)

2008 Events Archive

Events that took place during 2008.

About Us

Upper Arlington Progressive Action (UAPA) is a grassroots political action committee based in Upper Arlington, a conservative suburb of Columbus, Ohio. UAPA supports Democratic and progressive candidates and causes, and is entirely funded by donations from supporters. UAPA is run and governed solely by volunteers.
Upper Arlington Progressive Action gives Democratic and progressive voters an identity, voice and vehicle for action. UAPA members advocate for effective and efficient government that truly serves the needs of its people.

Power of Place: Historical Perspective on Ohio as a Political Battleground

Thursday, November 15, 2007, 7 PM – Brief reception to follow

Join the Party to Watch Obama's Acceptance Speech!

The Worthington Area Democratic Club presents


In Conversation with Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein (2010)

In Conversation with Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein

Wednesday, April 28

4 p.m.

Ohio Union Performance Hall, first floor, 1739 North High Street


RSVP required: please send your reservation request to or call 614-688-3206, ext. 3 by Friday, April 23. We expect this event to sell out quickly, but we will maintain a wait list.


Few journalists in American history have had the impact on their era as Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, who earned this place from their investigative reporting of the Watergate scandal in the early 1970’s. Join us for their observations on the Presidency and the policy process in the Federal government.


Sponsored by the John Glenn School of Public Policy, The Ohio State University, and the Ohio Telecom Association.


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