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Political History

Background and history of political activity in Ohio and the nation.


The deadline to register to vote for November's historic general election is Monday, October 6.

Click here for registration information:

Bill Press is Coming to Columbus-May 15, 2008

pressPopular morning progressive radio host and political insider Bill Press will be in Columbus to promote his new book Trainwreck: The End of the Conservative Revolution. WVKO 1580 AM will host a book signing and dinner party with Bill on Thursday, May 15th at 6:00 p.m. at the Florentine Restaruant, 907 West Broad Street in Columbus. Admission is $25 and includes an Italian dinner buffet.

4th Annual UAPA Family Picnic in the Park with NY Times Best-selling Author, David Sirota

Make plans now to attend UAPA's 4th annual family picnic on Sunday, June 22 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Be prepared for an afternoon of live entertainment, popular picnic food (including vegetarian options), children's activities and good conversation!

At the event, we'll be unveiling our new yard signs, T-shirts and bumper stickers supporting the Obama candidacy -- come for the party and stay for the debut!

Audacity of Hope Book Club Meeting, 1st meeting

Assignment: Read or listen to Prologue and Chapter 1 (Republicans and Democrats), Chapter 2 (Values) and Chapter 3 (Our Constitution). Login required to listen to the audio.

When: Thursday, July 10th, 2008 at 6:30pm

Where: The home of our gracious host, Barb Falkenberg, 2501 Onandaga Drive

'Audacity of Hope' Book Club Meeting, 2nd meeting

We're reading Chapters 4, 5 and 6.

Audio of the prologue and first 5 chapters are available on the UAPA web site. Registration and login required to access this audio.

The meeting will be held at the home of Pat Hadler, 2477 Southway Drive (map), Upper Arlington.

Please RSVP below so we know how many cookies to bake!

Facts about John Kasich

Check out "The Truth About John Kasich" from the Ohio Democratic Party.

Former Congressman, Fox News personality, and investment banker John Kasich is running on the Republican ticket for governor of Ohio.

During his 18 years in Congress, Kasich was an architect of the failed Washington-Wall Street trickle-down policies that got us into this economic mess. He voted to give China favored trade status and supported free trade agreements like NAFTA, both of which cost Ohio thousands of jobs.

Then he went to Wall Street and cashed in on these policies at Lehman Brothers, the firm whose collapse marked the beginning of the global economic crisis.

Now Congressman Kasich wants to bring these failed policies–and his radical agenda–to Ohio.


Words Can Hurt Us: Stop the Toxic Rage

The 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19 brings memories of a terrible time in American history, one we would hope to never be repeated. But in 2010 the threat of another murderous event seems all too possible.

Support for Obama and Democrats Slips Among 'Millennial' Generation

chartOne of the factors that fueled the resurgence of the Democrats in the 2006 midterms and particularly President Obama's 2008 campaign was the enthusiastic backing of the "Millennial" generation -- voters between 18 and 29 years old.

Obama's Brilliant First Year

By January, he will have accomplished more than any first-year president since Franklin Roosevelt.

Nov 28, 2009

Obama Pushes Lobbyists Off Federal Advisory Boards

Hundreds, if not thousands, of lobbyists will be ejected from federal advisory panels as part of a little-noticed initiative by the Obama administration to curb K Street's influence in Washington.

November 29, 2009


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