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Political History

Background and history of political activity in Ohio and the nation.

Biden shoots, Biden scores . . .

bidenIn his recent remarks in St. Clair Shores, Michigan, Biden said, "John McCain has confessed, and I quote -- I want to make sure I get it right -- he said, 'It's easy for me to be in Washington and frankly be somewhat divorced from the day-to-day challenges people have.'

"Well, he's right. He's right. If all you do is walk the halls of power, all you'll hear is the wants of the powerful. Ladies and gentleman, I believe that's why John McCain could say with a straight face as recently as this morning, and this is a quote, 'the fundamentals of the economy are strong.' That's what John said. He says that we've made 'great progress economically' in the Bush years.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I could walk from here to Lansing, and I wouldn't run into a single person who thought our economy was doing well -- unless I ran into John McCain."

He added, "What is John's response to the state of the economy? Let me quote him: 'A lot of this is psychological.' Let me tell you something: losing your job is more than a state of mind. It means staring at the ceiling at night thinking that you may lose your house because you can't get next month's mortgage payment.

"It means looking at your pregnant wife and not knowing how you're going to come up with the money to pay for the delivery of your child, since you don't have health care anymore. It means looking at your child when they come home from college at Christmas and saying 'Honey, I'm sorry, we're not going to be able to send you back next semester.' It's not a state of mind; it's a loss of dignity."

Obama's "Fundamentals" ad highlights how disturbingly out of touch John McCain is with what's going in the lives of ordinary Americans. On a day when Wall Street was in crisis John McCain continued to insist that the "fundamentals of the economy are strong."


The Daily Show at the RNC Convention, Day 3

After a week of the RNC Convention, The Daily Show's daily recaps are just the comic relief and insights the doctor called for.

On Day 3 of the RNC Convention, The Daily Show's Jon Stewart exposes the Republican's hypocrisy, inconsistencies and political theater.

You have to see Barack Obama's acceptance speech

Democrats far outnumber Republicans

Friday, August 22, 2008

By Darrel Rowland and Mark Niquette


As Ohio Democrats pack for their national convention in Denver next week, they have quietly rolled up an advantage that almost no one has noticed: nearly a million more registered voters than Republicans.

Almost three times as many Ohio voters have become Democrats as have become Republicans since the summer before the last presidential election.

Read the full story.


McCain is trying to divide us!

Abraham Lincoln famously said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." That is what John McCain is hoping when he urges Hillary Clinton supporters to switch to the GOP. We cannot let him succeed.

The primaries were exhausting and sometimes acrimonious and divisive. We know and understand the utter disappointment of Hillary Clinton's supporters; many of our group are among that number. But we must look to the future and November.

UA Progressive Action focus of Associated Press story

Democrats target Ohio GOP suburban stronghold

EDITOR'S NOTE — What makes Ohio, the nation's seventh-largest state, a swing state? One in a series of regular stories profiling regions of Ohio and swing areas within the state.

Associated Press Writer

Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad

Paris Hilton Responds to McCain Ad

See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

Jon Stewart's 'Dick Move of the Week': "McCain Attacks"

Lobbyists, PACs write big checks for McCain

Does it seem like you see McCain every time you turn on TV? It's because his campaign and the Republican National Party have more than $95 million -- and they are buying, buying, buying.

In fact, the McCain campaign is bragging that they are out-raising and out-spending us.

By collecting huge checks from Washington lobbyists and special interest PACs, they raised more money than ever before in June.

To see what we're up against, check out this video from David Plouffe, Obama for America campaign manager. And then make your first donation to help close the gap. $25 would do it.

This grassroots movement won't just happen on its own. Success is up to all of us together.

McCain is trying to divide us!

Abraham Lincoln famously said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." That is what John McCain is hoping when he urges Hilliary Clinton supporters to switch to the GOP. We cannot let him succeed.


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