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Gun Violence

Includes, gun control, gun statistics, 2nd Amendment and other gun-related laws.

Tell Governor DeWine to Veto Untrained, Unlicensed Concealed Carry

Governor DeWine has SB 215 on his desk. Join the UAPA Executive Committee in asking him to veto this dangerous bill that allows anyone to conceal carry a weapon without training or licensing. Police don't even have to be informed that they have a weapon! Email NOW!

Governor DeWine,

Untrained Teachers with Guns - Senate Bill 317 Testimony

Letter to the Editor - Money and Politics

Columbus Dispatch
June 19, 2013

Defending his vote against universal background checks for gun purchases, Senator Rob Portman is quoted in today’s Dispatch, (6/19, page A15), saying “We want to do things that are actually going to help.”

The obvious question is: “Help who?”

According to the organization ‘Mayors Against Illegal Guns’ Senator Portman received $1,314,279 in campaign donations from the gun manufacturers.  Certainly his vote helped them.

They Deserve a Vote! Take Action!

Who will forget that moment during President Obama’s State of the Union when his voice rang out, over and over: “They deserve a vote. They deserve a vote. They deserve a vote.” Now it is time for our progressive voices to ring out. Here is how you can join in the righteous chorusMoms Demand Action group with signs:

Coffee and Conversation on July 7th Discusses Gun Violence and How to Stop It

Join us at 9:00 a.m. this Saturday, July 7th, for our next Coffee & Conversation meeting. Marian Harris from the Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence will be our speaker. The mission of the Coalition is to provide information to the public, advocating the reduction and prevention of gun violence in our communities.

Petition: Guns and alcohol don't mix

Imagine loaded guns in family restaurants and in crowded bars. Imagine loaded guns at a sold-out Ohio State football game or Cincinnati Reds baseball game.

Last week a bill allowing permit holders to carry concealed guns into bars, restaurants and sporting events that serve alcohol passed the Ohio Senate.

A thousand to one: Mental health care in the Army

Well, it's really closer to 1300 to one -- the ratio of Army personnel to psychiatrists. This statistic is becoming more important to us because of the terrible events at Ft. Hood this week.

If you own a dog

Watch this video:


Sarah Palin is an enthusiastic supporter of aerial wolf gunning. Often wolves shot from the air are not killed outright and left to die on the ground. Palin enthusiastically defends this cruelty. You can find out more here.

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