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Taxation policy and tax issues, such as bond, school, library, etc.

Letter to the Editor - Redistribution would not hurt the wealthy

Letter to the Editor published in the Columbus Dispatch on May 14, 2015

How Cuts in State Taxes Will Cost YOU Money

Robbing Peter to pay … Who?

Thanks to the Kasich administration policy of eliminating the estate tax and cutting funding for local government, Upper Arlington may never be the same.  The duty of supporting our city is falling directly on our shoulders. And it is a heavy burden as cuts threaten the reasons why we choose to live in our lovely town.

Letter to the Editor - Reducing income tax favors wealthy

Letter to the Editor - Many Don't Get Misinformation

Learn About the UA LIbrary Levy

Vote for the Library buttonThe Library Levy will be on the ballot on March 6, 2012.  The most important thing to know about the proposed levy is that it's not a tax increase. Homeowners will continue to pay the same tax rate for the library levy as they currently do.

UA Library Bond Issue (Issue 4) Explained

libraryThe $25 million bond levy that the Library is seeking on May 5 will provide for the rehab of the Main Library and the Lane Road branch to address critical health, safety, and energy savings issues.
The funds will permit the Library to reconfigure space to give patrons:

• an expanded reference department
• a space loaded with technology, music, and furniture suitable for teens

Massive outlays a necessary tonic that leaves behind painful debt

Remember this statement?

“...And we can proceed with tax relief without fear of budget deficits, even if the economy softens. The projections for the surplus in my budget are cautious and conservative. ” [President Bush, Remarks, 3/27/2001]

Or this one?

Spreading the Wealth

By Alexander Zaitchik, AlterNet.

Republican tax hikes on future generations

"They always talk about how the Democrats raise taxes. But the Republicans raise debt ---- which is a deferred tax hike, really. It's a cowardly tax hike. It's a tax hike on people who can't vote and speak up against it at the time."

---- Bill Maher

Graphing Lessons: Who's getting tax relief?

Justin Wolfers posts competing charts on the candidates' tax plans on the Freakonomics blog.



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