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UA Library Bond Issue (Issue 4) Explained

libraryThe $25 million bond levy that the Library is seeking on May 5 will provide for the rehab of the Main Library and the Lane Road branch to address critical health, safety, and energy savings issues.
The funds will permit the Library to reconfigure space to give patrons:

• an expanded reference department
• a space loaded with technology, music, and furniture suitable for teens
• a children's room with age-appropriate layout and shelving
• meeting and auditorium space with exterior doors for early morning and evening meetings when the library is not open
• more quiet study rooms
• a technology center where school, businesses, and non-profit groups can teach, learn and brainstorm together
• a patron lounge space to relax with a cup of coffee and chat with friends
• and more quiet space and convenient computer locations at the Lane Road Library

To provide room for these additional and revamped services, the Library will be adding 34,000 square feet to the Main Library by constructing a second floor above the current children's section. Many of the windows in the Main Library are not insulated. Lane Road library has no sprinkler system. Elevators are not ADA compliant. Wiring in part of the buildings is deteriorating quickly.

It will cost of about $104 per year for the owner of an average-priced home.

For more information, visit the Library Bond Issue website.

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