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Tim Kaine

Order your Yard Signs Now!

It's that time again! It's election season and time to show your colors by sporting a snazzy UA for Hillary sign OR the classic Clinton/Kaine sign in your yard. Order HERE.

Dinner with DNC chair Tim Kaine Aug. 7, 2010

Ohio Democratic Party Annual State Dinner

with Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine

Saurday, Aug. 7
Time TBA
Columbus Convention Center, 400 North High Street, Columbus, OH 43215-2099


Information on dinner or pre-dinner receptions: 614-341-6911 or

Democrats – with your help – have mounted a furious four-year comeback since 2006. Now, the 2010 elections represent our chance to both lock in these gains for the next decade and begin a new era of opportunity, optimism, and progressive policy in Ohio.

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