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Order your Yard Signs Now!

It's that time again! It's election season and time to show your colors by sporting a snazzy UA for Hillary sign OR the classic Clinton/Kaine sign in your yard. Order HERE.

UA for Hillary yard signClinton/Kaine yard sign





The local airwaves are already full of vicious campaign ads. Donald Trump says one jaw-droppingly awful thing after another  This election is too important to not put all our efforts behind Hillary Clinton. Show your support for our Democratic candidate!  We hope to blanket Upper Arlington with vibrant signs to remind UA residents that we have an opportunity to elect a highly-qualified woman president. Get your sign delivered for the low, low price of $5.00.

Please note that sign delivery is limited to Upper Arlington, OH, or in communities that surround Upper Arlington such as Grandview, Hilliard, Dublin and Clintonville. Please no orders outside of this area in Central Ohio. We regret we are unable to mail signs and wire supports. It is possible to make arrangements to pick up signs at a location in Upper Arlington. 

Has the sign you received from us been damaged or stolen?  We will replace your sign for free.  Email Herb Hedden at and put 'replacement sign' in the subject line.

Our signs are sturdy, non-fade plastic with heavy-duty wire supports.  We're asking a minimal $5 charge per sign to cover our costs.  You can easily and conveniently order and pay for your signs online with credit card or PayPal at our secure site, then presto! a sign will show up in your yard.  It couldn't be easier to support our first woman president!

Don't wait!  Order your sign today -- our all volunteer crew is on standby to plant one in your yard soon!

If you have paid your membership dues, you will receive a sign as a benefit of membership. You can pay your dues here.

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