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Action Item - Distribute Sample Ballots During Early Vote (October 12 to November 7)

Are you still looking for something to do when you aren’t canvassing or phonebanking for Democratic candidates?  UAPA needs you to help pass out sample ballots at the Early Vote Center, 1700 Morse Road.  For the past several elections, Jody Scarbrough and Carole Depaola have coordinated a program to pass out cards listing candidates endorsed by the Franklin County Democratic Party.  Volunteers are needed to ask people on their way in to vote if they would like a Democratic sample ballot.  That is all!  However, this program requires many volunteers.

Ohio Democratic Party Legacy Dinner

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2016

Main Street Initiative Call for Volunteers

ISSUE 1–Redistricting reform is a great idea whose time has arrived

The Executive Committee of UAPA has unanimously agreed to endorse Issue 1.  Issue 1 has been endorsed by the Ohio Republican Party, ACLU, ProgressOhio, Ohio Chamber of Commerce, League of Women Voters, and many others. The ballot language has been approved and it will appear on the ballot in Ohio in the November 2015 election.

July Meeting - Redistricting Reform: Here We Go Again. What's different? What's the same? And why should I care?

Catherine Turcer, Common Cause
Friends Auditorium, UA Public Library

2800 Tremont

Most Recent Voting Hours

Now that the Supreme Court has decided to limit much of Ohio's early voting opportunities it is increasingly important to turn out everyone we can. The following are the current hours:

Tuesday, Oct. 7 through Friday, Oct. 10 - 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 

CANCELLED - Connie Pillich at our August Meeting

UAPA Membership Meeting with Connie Pillich, Candidate for Ohio Treasurer
August 20, 2014
Friends Auditorium, Upper Arlington Public Library
2800 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221

Great News! Early Voting Rights Protected!

COLUMBUS—Today the US District Court for the Southern District of Ohio ruled in favor of the Democratic National Committee and the Ohio Democratic Party’s motion for summary judgment to permanently maintain the final three days of early voting leading up to Election Day.  In response, Ohio Democratic Party Chairman Chris Redfern released the following statement: 

Action Alert: Help stop the all-out assault on clean energy in Ohio

Governor Kasich must use line-item veto to rid Ohio's budget of wind farm set back - that can only happen if we act on it now – call today 614-466-3555 or through email.

Meet John Patrick Carney on March 25th.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014, 7:00 p.m.
UA Public Library, Friends Auditorium, 2800 Tremont Road


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