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Action Item - Distribute Sample Ballots During Early Vote (October 12 to November 7)

Are you still looking for something to do when you aren’t canvassing or phonebanking for Democratic candidates?  UAPA needs you to help pass out sample ballots at the Early Vote Center, 1700 Morse Road.  For the past several elections, Jody Scarbrough and Carole Depaola have coordinated a program to pass out cards listing candidates endorsed by the Franklin County Democratic Party.  Volunteers are needed to ask people on their way in to vote if they would like a Democratic sample ballot.  That is all!  However, this program requires many volunteers.

Many voters are unfamiliar with some candidates, such as judges, and our sample ballot provides the names of those candidates who have been endorsed by the Franklin County Democratic Party so that those voters are more likely to vote for the Democratic candidates for all offices.  We believe that these sample ballots significantly help Democratic candidates.

Upper Arlington Progressive Action (UAPA) is coordinating Friday afternoons.  Our schedule is below:


Shift 1

Shift 2

Shift 3


















In case you are not sure exactly what you will be doing, I will explain.  We wear blue t-shirts that make us very identifiable and we stand in the parking lot of the Early Vote Center.  We approach all persons who have parked and are walking into the Early Vote Center.  We ask if they would like a Democratic sample ballot and we either give them one if they want one, or we don’t give them one if they refuse.  At busy times, we need many volunteers so that we do not miss giving a sample ballot to a voter in the large parking lot.

Please email to to volunteer and to let me know when you will be able to work.  It is easy to do, although you are on your feet most of the time.  I hope that each of you can help every Friday for one or two shifts.  After I hear back from all of you, I will set up a schedule and let you know when you are scheduled.  I will also send you the rules and other process information.

If you can volunteer at a time other than Friday afternoon, please contact Jody Scarbrough,, 614-309-1651, to sign up.  Below are the hours that the Early Vote Center is open:

8 am - 5 pm Wednesday, October 12 through Friday, October 14

8 am - 5 pm Monday, October 17 through Friday, October 21

8 am - 6 pm Monday, October 24 through Friday, October 28 (note extended hours)

8 am - 4 pm Saturday, October 29

1 pm - 5 pm Sunday, October 30

8 am - 7 pm Monday, October 31 through Friday, November 4 (note extended hours)

8 am - 4 pm Saturday, November 5 (no volunteers needed at this time)

1 pm - 5 pm Sunday, November 6

8 am - 2 pm Monday, November 7


Thanks, again, for volunteering.

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