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2025 Membership Drive

UAPA began in 2004 and continues to help elect progressive candidates to all levels of government.  We do this by organizing educational programs, debate watch parties, our website and newsletter, as well as by notifying volunteers of opportunities to help campaigns, making contributions, and offering yard signs and bumper stickers that enable progressives to “take a stand”. 

The survey results are in!

Between October 9th and 20th, UAPA asked members to complete a membership survey about the 2007 Upper Arlington City Council election. We received 118 completed survey returns. Many respondents took the opportunity to add free-form comments --- adding valuable context to their responses.

We wanted to answer questions like these:

We Want You To Join Us!

Uncle SamWe – the 48% of Americans who voted for change in 2004 – see our fears about Iraq and the judiciary being realized.

We watch as the Bush administration governs according to its allegiances to big business and the radical right, and we see rampant corruption and ethics violations occurring in the Republican Party both nationally and in Ohio's government.

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