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Celebrate the 41st Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

Join NARAL Pro-Choice Ohio Foundation and their coalition partners, Freedom of Choice Ohio and National Council of Jewish Women-Columbus Section, on Tuesday, January 28, 2014 to celebrate the 41st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision.

The evening will begin with a reception with light refreshments and a cash bar at 6:00 p.m. followed by keynote speaker Robin Marty at 7:00 p.m. This event will be held at the Gateway Film Center located at 1550 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio.

Tickets are limited, get yours today! Robin Marty is co-author of the 2013 book Crow After Roe: How “Separate But Equal” Has Become the New Standard in Women’s Health and How We Can Change That. Robin’s book chronicles the recent legislative attacks on abortion access, contraception, and basic women’s health across the United States. The book closely examines twelve states that have passed disturbing legislation challenging standards created in the passage of Roe v. Wade. Such laws put women, especially those who are marginalized, in a position to lose their ability to choose.

Enjoy an inspirational evening as we look back at the battles we have already fought and the ones we must win to protect safe, legal, and accessible abortion care and reproductive health care in our state.


General Admission: $30.00
Friend of Roe: $50.00
Student/Low Income: $15.00

Seating is LIMITED reserve your ticket early. You can purchase your ticket online or by calling 614-221-2594.

For more information please call 614-221-2594 or email

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