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Mid-Ohio Food Bank

2010 Food Drive

To benefit the Mid-Ohio Food Bank, volunteers will be conducting a food drive Friday-Sunday, Jan. 22-24, in their neighborhoods.

Last year's MLK/Inaugural food drive raised almost $3000 in cash and 3000 pounds of food, and we hope to repeat that success this weekend!

Join us in canvassing your neighborhood for food and cash donations. The only requirement is to hand in your donations at a drop-off location near your home on Sunday afternoon by 5:00 PM.

Donations will be delivered to the Mid Ohio Food Bank on Monday, January 25.

If you aren’t able to canvass, please consider dropping off food donations to one of the drop off locations listed below. Encourage friends and family to drop off donations as well.

Drop-off locations:

Laura Cook
2019 North Edgemont Road
Columbus , OH 43212
Block between Northwest and Wyandotte

Laura Kuykendall
1580 Guilford Road
Columbus , OH 43221
South of Lane Avenue, between North Star and Northwest Blvd. House is on the corner of Guilford and Beaumont .

Jan Davis
2492 Edgevale Road
Columbus , OH 43221

Carole DePaola
4944 Buck Thorn Lane
Columbus , OH 43220
614-477-1800 or 614-459-3668
Off Francisco between Kenny and Reed

Robyn Harper
2200 West Lane AVENUE
Columbus , OH 43221
Corner of Lane and York

Melissa Hedden
2491 Lane ROAD
Columbus , OH 43220
Drop-off site is covered side porch

Colin’s Coffee
3714 Riverside Drive in the Golden Bear Shopping Center
Food can be dropped off on Sat or Sun between 7 am and 2 pm

If you have any questions, please email

Join the Family Fun and Come to the 4th Annual UAPA Picnic at Fancyburg Park!


Make plans now to attend UAPA's 4th annual family picnic on Sunday, June 22 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Be prepared for an afternoon of live entertainment, popular picnic food (including vegetarian options), children's activities and good conversation!

Sign up for the picnic!

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