published by admin on Sat, 10/11/2008 - 11:56
Progressives should be alert to the race for the Ohio School Board, where the issue of creationism is unfortunately is being overlooked by many.
In District 6 (Columbus metro), candidate Kristen McKinley can be counted on to fight against efforts to put "intelligent design" aka creationism into the statewide science curriculum. Schools are obligated to follow state standards, so our votes for state school board candidates do count!
published by admin on Tue, 02/05/2008 - 07:22
A "young earth" creationist, intelligent design (ID) advocate and philosophy professor Paul Nelson, will be speaking at Upper Arlington High School on Feb 11th.
A UA Library Board of Trustees member, Bryce Kurfees, is listed as the contact on the event's invitiation. Mr. Kurfees owns an investment business in Dublin. Interestingly, there is a link to "Biblical Money Management" on his website (
Many ID advocates are classic creationists, arguing that the geologic ages are an illusion, and the world is less than 10,000 years old. Dr. Nelson is no exception:
"It's no secret that I hold a young earth view."
---- Dr. Paul Nelson at the Skeptics Society Annual Meeting, Los Angeles (June 22, 2002)
For anyone planning to attend the event, here are some links to help you brush up on the both sides of the argument: