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Arab Spring

Kirwan Institute: popular revolutions

Panel to Discuss Popular Revolutions in North Africa, Middle East

“North Africa and Middle East Popular Revolutions: Is Now the Time for People’s Power?”

Monday, May 16, from 5-7 p.m.

Moritz College of Law, Saxbe Auditorium, 55 W. 12th Avenue, Ohio State

Broader context and significance of these revolutions and uprisings and their potential ramifications on global geopolitics beyond the region.

Speakers will include: Laila Al-Arian, writer and producer for Al Jazeera English in Washington D.C.; Franco Barchiesi, assistant professor of African American and African Studies at The Ohio State University; and Fadhel Kaboub, assistant professor of economics at Denison University. The discussion will be moderated by Guisela Latorre, associate professor of women's studies at The Ohio State University.

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