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Central Ohio

For history, events, issues specific to Central Ohio, including Columbus, Columbus Suburbs (excluding Upper Arlington) and Franklin and surrounding counties.

Last Day to Order is Wednesday, October 28th

Early Vote Sale on signs

The last day to order Biden/Harris signs and other Biden gear is this Wednesday, October 28th.

Order button






Pre-Primary Forums - Meet the Local Candidates

There have been multiple debates between Presidential hopefuls in advance of Ohio's Primary on March 17th, but did you know that there are other more local primaries? Two Democrats are vying to unseat Steve Stivers in Congressional District 15 and five want to face off against Stephanie Kunzie in State Senate District 16. Take the time to meet them and hear what they hope to accomplish. We have two upcoming opportunities:

Post-Holiday Party Invitation

Volunteer to Protect the Vote!

Are you interested in making sure all eligible voters can cast their ballot and have it counted?  If so, consider coming on Thursday, September 27th to the Friends Theater (2800 Tremont Rd) from 6:30 - 8:30 pm to find out more.

Picnic Benefitting the ODP 2018 Coordinated Campaign (RSVP)

Join UAPA and the Coalition of Democratic and Progressive Organizations of Central Ohio for a picnic. And a fundraiser. And a candidate meet and greet. And a lot of fun.

With special guest ODP Chairman David Pepper. Bring a friend and join us for an update on ODP's strategy to take back Ohio in 2018 and learn how you can get involved!

Vocal Resistance to perform.

Campaign for Ohio Kickoff on July 8th

Join Organizing 4UA and Sarah Grace Spurgin of the Campaign for Ohio for an organizational meeting in the Friends Theater at the main Upper Arlington Public Library on Tremont Rd. on July 8th.

UAPA's October Month of Action

Have you been looking for some practical actions to take this election season? Have we got some opportunities for you! Volunteer to work with UAPA on some fun ways to support our local Democratic candidates!

Voter Registration at Gallery Hop
Sign up to spend a couple of hours registering people to vote. The last day to register is October 11th. After a brief orientation, walk around the Gallery Hop and sign people up. It's easy and fun.

Saturday, October 1
4:00 – 6:00 pm

Congratulations Columbus on Winning the Smart City Challenge!

In June, the US. Department of Transportation (DOT) announced that Columbus had won the Smart City Challenge. Columbus was one of the seven finalists from an original group of 78 cities. As the winner, Columbus will receive up to $40 million from DOT, an additional $10 million from Paul G. Allen’s Vulcan, Inc.and $90 million in locally generated matching contributions and public money totaling $140 million.

DOT Secretary Foxx commented about Columbus’ proposal:

Vote for UAPA President, John Lytle for Central Committee (UA Ward 6)

Get to Know a Central Committee Candidate
Name: John Lytle
Ward: Upper Arlington 6

John Lytle photoWhat is your background with the Franklin County Democratic Party?

Story Archive - 2016

Events of 2016, including the presidential primaries and election.


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