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Sustainable UA: Gardening, March 10, 2010

Sustainable UA Monthly Meeting
Wednesday, March 10
7 p.m.
Covenant Presbyterian Church (corner of Ridgecliff and Redding, Upper Arlington)
Bob Tannehill, garden manager for Covenant Presbyterian Church community garden, "Seeds of Hope"

Jim Fronk, UA teacher, learning garden at Tremont Elementary

Community Vegetable Garden April 10, 17, 24

Community Vegetable Garden Project
Volunteer to prepare 5 plots

Saturday, April 10, 17 and 24

Tremont Elementary School, 2900 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, Ohio

Join students, teachers, and parents in building a 5-plot community vegetable garden. The garden will provide multiple learning opportunities. All produce will be donated to food pantries.

For schedule and information, contact:

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