published by admin on Fri, 09/19/2008 - 09:50
There have been many sign thefts over the past several weeks. Remember, if your sign is stolen:
Request a replacement sign from UAPA free of charge by filling out the form below. Don't let the vandals and thieves silence your voice!
Put your address on the inside of the sign in case your stolen sign is recovered.
Consider donating to UAPA to help defray the costs of new and replacement signs.
Don't have a sign yet? Request a new sign here.
Already have your sign? Encourage your Obama/Biden supporting friends and neighbors, who may not know of our sign initiative, to sign up.
Take away the bait: We are encouraging you to take your yard sign in at night and place it prominently in your yard in the morning. Sign thieves are easily caught during the day. Notify the police of the license number of the car.
Please note that we are providing replacement signs for Upper Arlington, Ohio, residents only. We regret that we're unable to mail or hand deliver signs outside of the 43212, 43220 and 43221 zip codes.