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Central Committee Candidates - 2020

The 2020 Primary on March 17th is also  an election for the representatives of the 6 Wards in Upper Arlington to the Ohio Democratic Party Central Committee. Some are contested and some are not. Some are endorsed by the Franklin County Democratic Party (FCDP), some are not. UAPA requested all candidates to submit a brief statement if they wished so you can become familiar with people who help guide our local Democratic Party. Providing this information to you does not constitute an endorsement by UAPA.
Ward 1 - Allison Russo - unopposed
Ward 2 - John Kulewicz - unopposed
It is an honor to represent UA Ward 2 on the Franklin County Democratic Party Central Committee.  I have served on the Executive Committee since 1985.  On your behalf, I will continue to work to provide the people of UA Ward 2 with positive choices for the future of our community, state and nation.  Thank you for your continued consideration.
Ward 3 - Steve Campbell (FCDP endorsed)
I strive to put our Party principles into action, by volunteering and working to elect Democrats at the local, state, and national level.  I have had honor of serving the public, locally, under the leadership of Columbus Mayor Mike Coleman, and at the state, under Governor Ted Strickland.  I now own a business, helping the public and private sector invest in critical public infrastructure and promote responsible development.  My wife and I have been married for 24 years, UA residents for 20 years, and have a 19-year-old son and 15-year-old daughter. I ask for your vote on March 17.
Ward 3 - Andrej Rotter
Dr. Andrej Rotter is a retired OSU Medical Center professor who has been a resident of Upper Arlington for the last 27 years. He is seeking to represent the UA Ward 3 community in local democratic politics. Andrej was born in Mao’s China and grew up in communist Czechoslovakia before becoming a political refugee in England. Due to his experiences he values a truly democratic, transparent political system that is responsive to all. He aims to make the Franklin County Democratic Party more inclusive and responsive to grassroot concerns about healthcare, education,
housing, transportation and infrastructure.
Ward 4 - Hannah Reed (FCDP endorsed)
Ward 4 - Ed Forman
Ward 5 - Linda Maggio
Hi, I’m Linda Maggio.  I am running for Franklin County Democratic Party Central Committee in Ward 5. I believe a vibrant, progressive community is essential to informing voters on essential issues and winning elections. Since 2016, I have worked with a small group of residents to form Organizing4UA, a group dedicated to helping candidates connect with voters in small venues and educating residents.  Our organization has assisted candidates including Sherrod Brown, Richard Cordray, Rick Neal, Allison Russo and Michaela Burriss and focused on The Affordable Care Act and Gerrymandering. I am passionate about our community and future and would appreciate your support!
Ward 5 - Samantha Sawmiller
Samantha Sawmiller grew up on a small farm in Southwest Ohio and moved to Upper Arlington in 2015 with her husband, Dan and their two children. She is a Marine Corps veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, holds a B.S. from Ohio State University in environmental policy and an MPA from the Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Affairs at Ohio University. Samantha has been an advocate for Ohio’s military personnel and veterans in her personal and professional life, having worked as a military veteran constituent advocate for a U.S. Senator from Ohio. She currently serves on several Ohio women veterans boards including as a voting member of the Ohio Department of Veterans Services; Women Veterans Advisory Committee. In addition to her military experience, she has worked on climate and energy policy for several years, and currently works as an Ohio project development manager for a large-scale solar company. She is ready to listen and work with the Upper Arlington community as the Ward 5 representative.  
Ward 6 - John Lytle - unopposed

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