During the 2017 City Council election, postcards with gutter level attacks on several candidates were sent to nearly everyone in UA. The funders of the PAC that sent them were unknown until after the election, but the treasurer of record was Angela Lanctot who is currently running for Council. We are publishing the following in the hope that last minute sleazy attacks on candidates will not reappear this year.
Please join UAPA and Kim in demanding that all candidates for public office in UA maintain civility.
Dirty Politics Has No Place in Upper Arlington
Columbus Dispatch, Saturday, October 5, 2019
At an Upper Arlington City Council candidates forum at the UA Senior Center on Sept. 24, I posed the following question to candidate Angela Lanctot: “During the 2017 election, you were donor and treasurer of a PAC that generated fear mongering robocalls and postcards attacking three of the 2017 candidates. This was done so close to Election Day that the targets of the attack had no time to even respond. That was blatantly unfair.
“This time, will you vow to refrain from and prohibit your PAC and supporters from launching attacks within two weeks before Election Day?”
Sadly, Lanctot dodged and deferred, never giving me a simple yes or no. I vow to vote for any candidate victimized by a dirty “late hit.” The last thing UA needs is that kind of council member.
Kim Booth, Upper Arlington