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The Most Effective Election Tool: Sample Ballots

We Need Your Help to Distribute the Democratic Sample Ballot During the Five Weeks of Early Voting Starting October 2. 

In 2008, over 55,000 Franklin County residents voted early and in person.  We can make a measurable difference for Sherrod Brown, Maureen Reedy , Issue 2, and many more candidates and issues we care about, if we can hand a Democratic Sample Ballot to voters before they step in front of the voting booth.  With a sample ballot, they'll know who the endorsed candidates and issues are.  Please consider volunteering for one or more, three hour shifts during the Early Vote period.  Read on to find out more. E-mail with the days and times you are available. 
Download a sample ballot today! 2012 Franklin County Sample Democratic Ballot.pdf


 Why We Need You.

Most people already know which candidate they'll vote for president, but often they need information about the rest of the Democratic ticket.  Without that knowledge, the candidates and issues we care about often lose because people are unsure who or what to vote for.  Sample ballots help voters identify important Democratic and progressive candidates and issues that are lower on the ballot such as Sherrod Brown for Senate, Maureen Reedy for Ohio House District 24, Yvette McGee Brown for State Supreme Court and issues such as Yes on 2 to end gerrymandering. 

By making sure voters have a Democratic Sample Ballot in hand we can support the President by giving him a Congress who will support him as well as improve our situation here in Ohio.

55,000 -- A Very Big Number.

Incredibly, in 2008, 55,000 people voted in-person early in Franklin County.  Despite reduced hours (thanks to a Republican Ohio Secretary of State), the Franklin County Board of Elections expects a similar number this year because the polling location is in close proximity to so many neighborhoods.

55,000!   What a difference we can make if all of these voters are informed prior to casting their ballot.  With 23 days of early voting, we could expect 2,391 voters per day.  On an average day of nine hours of early voting, we could expect 266 voters per hour.

That's impressive....yet daunting!  How can we reach all of these voters before they step in front of the voting machine?  The answer is volunteers -- hundreds of volunteers taking shifts to stand outside the Early Vote location to pass out the Democratic Sample Ballots!  Will you be one of them and help ensure victory this November?

Early Vote Location at the old Kohl's store on Morse Road at Karl Road.

The location of early voting for Franklin County is 1700 Morse Rd, 43229, just east of the intersection.  This is a change from previous years when it was held downtown.   There will be ballots, signs, chairs, rain gear, etc. at the polling location to make sure volunteers are comfortable, visible and accessible.  You will be provided with poll standing guidelines.

Early Voting Hours.

  • 8 AM – 5 PM   Tuesday through Friday, October 2 through October 5, 2012
  • 8 AM – 9 PM   Tuesday October 9, 2012
  • 8 AM – 5 PM   Wednesday October 10 through Friday October 12, 2012
  • 8 AM – 5 PM   Monday through Friday October 15 through October 19, 2012
  • 8 AM – 7 PM   Monday through Friday October 22 through October 26, 2012
  • 8 AM – 7 PM   Monday through Thursday October 29 through November 1, 2012
  • 8 AM – 6 PM   Friday, November 2, 2012

Please sign up for one or more, three hour shifts.

E-mail with days and times you are available.  A ballot day organizer will contact you.




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