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Help Our Candidates Win in November! Double Your Dollars for Our Local Candidates and County Party -- Only Four More Days!

The stakes are high. And the candidates need our dollars now to win in November. The leadership of UAPA has decided to support three local candidates and the Franklin County Democratic Party (FCDP) with financial donations.  We believe we can make the most impact on a local level. To maximize the outcome, UAPA will double any contribution given (now through August 25) on behalf of those we have chosen to support up to $500. Any additional monies we receive beyond the $500 will be given to candidate or party that has been selected by the donor.

Most political operatives believe that Central Ohio is the epicenter of the presidential race, and that the future direction of the country will be decided in Franklin County. The Cleveland Plain Dealer on July 21, 2012, agreed:  “Central Ohio is Main Battleground for Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.” The GOP is already fighting dirty. Republicans across the country are attempting to suppress turnout. In Ohio, Secretary of State John Husted (R), limited early voting hours in counties like Franklin where Democrats come to polls. His partisan decision is a deliberate barrier to President Obama’s reelection. (Learn more about this from a video clip on The Rachael Maddow Show. It begins about 5:30 minutes into the video.)  Our grassroots group can make a difference.

Won’t you please help our candidates be successful?

Pat Lang is running for our 15th Congressional District. His opponent, Rep. Steve Stivers, has raised over $2.1 million, nearly 31 times the amount raised by Lang. Yet a recent poll showed that only 38 percent of voters want to see Stivers re-elected and only 31 percent approve of the job that he's doing. A Lang victory is very possible but clearly he needs your help to stay in the game and win. Learn more about Pat Lang.

Ohio Supreme Court Justice Yvette McGee Brown brings a wealth of experience to the bench, and deserves our support to retain her seat. She served nine years as a Franklin County Domestic Relations and Juvenile Court Judge before establishing the Center for Child and Family Advocacy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus.  She was appointed to a vacancy on the Ohio Supreme Court in January 2011. Learn more about Justice Brown.

Maureen Reedy is a familiar name to many in Upper Arlington. She taught school in UA for 26 years before turning to politics and her campaign to become Ohio State Representative for the 24th District. Reedy feels strongly that economic and public education opportunities are slipping away for Ohio’s children, and vows to listen, represent and lead so that our voices will be heard in the legislature.  Learn more about Maureen Reedy.

The Franklin County Democratic Party (FCDP) needs our financial support as well. Newly reorganized and strengthened by the election of Greg Haas as chair, the party is gearing up for the 2012 election. The FCDP also needs our grassroots support to help with voter registration, distribution of sample ballots and an aggressive GOTV campaign beginning October 2. Learn more about the FCDP.

Contribute now (through August 20) and Upper Arlington Progressive Action will match your donations up to $500 per candidate and/or organization, which could result in $1,000 or more for each of the candidates and FCDP!

• You can safely and securely make a contribution on our website using PayPal.

You can also write a check, made payable to UAPA, and mail to Jim Fronk, Treasurer, 2134 Oakmount Road, Columbus, OH 43221. Be sure to write in the memo line of the check the names of the candidate(s) you’re supporting.

This is going to be a long and tough election season.  But with your help now, the Franklin County Democratic Party will be better equipped to get voters engaged and our candidates will have a fighting chance to win!

 Donate Now!





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